Great Christmas Party!

As usual the Stono river fishing club had another great Christmas party this year! you guys shouls really consider joining! $40.00 a year and you get great tournaments,cookouts and to meet a whole lot of nice folks. Meetings are once a month.

Michael (Bessingers BBQ) handled the catering this year and did a great job! Food was excellent,:stuck_out_tongue: oysters were clean,selects and great, and everything was organized and on timeā€¦Good job!

There were lots of nice raffle prizes and I even won a nice ā€œsunbrellaā€ hat like joes and donnie won a Haddrells gift certificate, which Ive already included in my Christmas list:wink:.

Thanks again everyone for another terrific year of friends,fishing,food and fun!!!

missā€™n fishā€™n

It was awesome! The food for the one party is worth the membership. Nice to see that ā€˜Donnieā€™ got him a fishinā€™ hat.