Great idea

Fred, I believe you mentioned once that you had attended NBC school (nuclear, biological, and chemical warfare). I also attended but it was a looong time ago! I have developed a great idea that could save our troops in some future war. Instead of messing around with all that MOPP gear why don’t we just tightly fold some of these little blue paper mask that folks ware. They could then be covered in a tin foil packet and placed in the trooper’s bill fold. Just like that other protective device they keep in there. That way if there is evidence of an airborne virus attack, they could just rip open that little packet, grab the mask and hang it over their ears. To hell with all that MOPP gear and protective mask. What do you think?

For those not familiar with the MOPP term.

MOPP is one of those acronyms for protective gear used by our military. It has four levels of protection, 1 through 4 with MOPP 4 being the highest level of protection. Protective mask and hood, rubber suite, rubber gloves and boots. Try wearing all that in a California desert some time. It’s a real hoot!

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I got that t-shirt.
But we were lower on the totem pole.
We didn’t have the full suits!(thank God) we used our ponchos or shelter half… We would do 25 mi humps mask with hood and a poncho & full combat gear.

What was even more fun than that was cold weather training in Korea. Going through decontamination stations.
It was probably a week before my junk come out from hiding after that.

You find things offensive. I find things funny. That's why I'm happier than you.

22 life’s a day

Old memories! Did several 12-14 hour generations in full gear. It really sucked for me as I wear glasses and my “special” pre-fitted mask only glasses didn’t fit so well. That was one point I envied the Russian military. All Russian Troops get corrective eye surgery. They were way ahead of America on that stuff at the time.

This is the point that I have tried to make with several mask pushers… masks are ok for a very limited time frame. But the six foot social distancing and constant mask wearing was complete horse crap. Actually the CDC has now posted mask wearing is only a 5% help over no mask.

Masks in the wallet!! fantastic idea Tanksgt!! Remember the huge arse needles we were suppose to jab ourselves with if we didn’t get our suits on in time and were exposed to a nerve agent? That scared the crap out of me. on the Nuclear side, Ionizing radiation doesn’t care what you wear! You are screwed. We were given some Iodine tablets. and basically on the biological agents… hit or miss… mostly miss unless you knew a good bit before hand to get full gear on.