How do you catch mullet in late march? How do tides, temperature, and weather affect them? Also, do mullet go into ponds this time of year? If so, how do tides and tempature affect them?
I’ve never targeted Mullet in late March, but, I’ve never had too much of a problem cast netting them, on the Sullivan’s side of Breech Inlet, while casting for live bait.
Site cast on them, near the rock groin (jetty) right by the parking lot.
I prefer to work the Eddy, created on either side of the rocks, depending on the tide cycle.
I’ve caught everything from Horse Mullet, to Finger Mullet. Many times several in one cast, as they’re usually traveling in small schools.
Keep us posted on your efforts, and good luck!
They do not seem to be there in the middle of the day. Do you know where they would be in the afternoon? In deeper waters?
Thank you, I appreciate it.
Recently netted some on the pluff mud flats, foot or 2 of water. Not on the surface rn, small schools. Easier to catch mud minnow if you’ve got access to shallows.
The mullet are definitely in the ponds in my neighborhood near Palmetto Island County Park.