While looking over my trailer earlier this Summer, I noticed my guideposts seemed a little “wobbly”. After looking at them more closely I realized that 13 years of salt meant new uprights. These came on the trailer and were heavy galvanized. I had 2 heavy-walled aluminum uprights made to replace them. Upon taking the first one off, I realized just how bad it was. I don’t think it would have made a very long trip in this state. On my trailer, they aren’t just guideposts, they’re my trailer lights. Glad I caught this before they fell off on the highway.
On an other note, replacing them with a different kind took away the attachment point for my transom straps. Is anyone aware of some kind of bolt-on attachment point or does anyone have any ideas for replacing what was there? I always feel safer with transom straps and now do not have a point on the trailer to hook to.
The photos show just how badly rusted everything was and the attachment point I used to use.
This is what I replaced the originals with: