Gun Question

So I am gonna look for a Marlin 336 Lever Action…With or Without Scope

Thank you all


Get your hands on a British .303, they are cheap (200) and are very accurate.

172 Sea Hunt Triton
1500 key west sportsman

that close deer slug from the shotgun works fine. you can get away with just buying an improved cylinder choke at 50 yards (not much farther) and if you want you could add a red dot scope. of course theres the rifled barrel option as well which will be more accurate too. hit it properly with a solid ounce of lead and it goes down in its tracks.

Originally posted by BSB98

WOW Great Advice Guys Thank you…and I Just Bought property in Meggett Three + Acres and Rights on 25 More…So I am not going to Shoot My Nieghbors in Hanahan…I would Like to thats why I am Moving



Where at in Meggett?

NavyNuc; I don’t think these guys know what that slug will do. It’s like shooting a 50 cal at something. They won’t run after they get hit and you won’t shoot through them!

Slug out of rifled barrel - open sights hittin targets at 200yds.

We do not rise to the occassion…but fall to the level of our training


I’d be willing to bet that most if not all of the folks making recommendations know exactly what a slug will do. The beauty of hunting deer in the Lowcountry is that so many weapons will work due to the normally short ranges we shoot.

Our recommendations are of course tainted by our biases. At my club we have shots ranging from 10 - 600 yards at deer, depending on which of the stands we choose (2900 acres of pecan orchards, planted fields, and thick coastal forests of pine, oak, and mixed trees). I sat in a 10 yard and a 200 yard stand last week. For me, one gun covers every type of deer hunting I do, and a lot more.

Of course every man should own a shotgun too. :slightly_smiling_face:

Tidewater 196DC
Yamaha F115

Pungo 120

Jim, I have a Remington 700/30.06 and a shotgun. For short range you can’t beat the put down power of that slug!

Originally posted by Easy

Jim, I have a Remington 700/30.06 and a shotgun. For short range you can’t beat the put down power of that slug!

While they will have nearly identical energy at the muzzle, at 100 yards a decent 30-06 OEM load will have 25% more energy than the VERY BEST slug (it will have almost 10% more energy even at 25 yards). Both will result in a deer that is DRT, and I’ll rely on my scope set to 2.5X for perfect shot placement. Both are overkill for short range, but that is fine by me. Overkill = kill.

To me, there is absolutely no advantage to using a shotgun for hunting deer, unless you are using buckshot and shooting deer on the run.

Tidewater 196DC
Yamaha F115

Pungo 120

Less chance of a through and through, if you don’t have a lot of range behind the target!

advantage i was thinking of is if he already had a shotgun and improved cylinder choke then he wouldnt need to drop any money. deer ive seen hit at 50-75 yards have usually been thru and thru and even if not i cant say ive ever seen a deer survive being hit with a slug in the vitals, however yes a slug will leave a pretty big hole in whatever it hits.

JI I couldnt agree more. I love the Marlin 336, I seached all over until I found a great deal and snatched it up. I shoot a .270 while deer hunting, mostly because the .270 I have, I bought for my son one year before was killed, therefore it is like I get to go hunting with him all the time. I also have the 3030, 7mm, 300wm, then the plinkers, 22mag, 17hmr, and cant forget the shotguns. I will also have my Black gun by the begining of the year. Have a great season and lets go shoot sometimes. Dont you reload?

Going to Church doesn’t make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.

You are the offspring of 5 monkeys having But Secs with a retarded fish squirrel. CONGRADULATION!!!


Nice collection! Sorry to hear about your son; I didn’t know about that. I have my dad’s golf clubs and enjoy “shaking his hand” every time I play.

I’m too lazy to reload, but I do shoot a good bit. I’m not a bench guy except to get things zeroed. I “run and gun” with my AR and Glocks. Sort of playing army for big boys.

Tidewater 196DC
Yamaha F115

Pungo 120

Agree on the 30 30 for that scenario, great round for that range and even beyond and fast on the draw with it. Watched my cousin “Texas heart shoot” a deer with a 12ga slug once, very very messy for sure!

Russ B.
God is great, Beer is good, People are crazy

Marlin 336c is my all time favorite. You wont go wrong with that gun. Buy a old used one though. All of the newer ones suck. Theyre owned by Remington now and the quality of the new rifles is terrible compared to the old ones.

haz-r-dous, I know exactly what you mean. My grandfather gave me my Marlin 336c when I graduated from highschool. Ive acquired quite a few others since that time. Hes since passed away and the sentimental value of the gun makes it so much better and rewarding to hunt with.

i have a gun like that as well…my uncles single shot winchester 37A 12 gauge. he told me by all means take it out in the field and use it and i absolutely LOVE that gun for rabbit hunting since its extremely light therefore quicker to snap up than the 870 when i jump a rabbit. also saw no reason the full choke on it wouldnt drop a turkey at 20 yards, took/take only that gun turkey hunting with me, and leveled my 1st and only bird in 2010. light weight and plastic butt pad makes for a fun time shooting magnum turkey loads too :smiley:

Let me clarify my recommendation on the 30-30 for back porch shooting 50-75 yds. With that short of distance that gun is perfect.

However, as Jim Islander stated, a 30-06 will drop any animal in North America, the bullets are cheap, and they have a huge range of loads.

And its a bolt action which I feel is easier to shoot trigger wise.

So if I was only allowed one gun to hunt, it would be a 30-06.

336 is good, I have one set up with look thru mounts so I can use the iron sights as well as the scope. Carolina Gun and Rod are the only ones I have found that do this mount well. I have a 3x9 50mm bushnell on it.

Local Boy, Just having fun.