Handgun Question

I was recently given 2 handguns by my father. They are registered to him in Alabama. What do I need to do to make sure I’m legal?

Also I do not have a concealed carry permit and will not carry these guns.

Refer to the ATF: https://www.atf.gov/file/58681/download

Originally posted by WallyB

I was recently given 2 handguns by my father. They are registered to him in Alabama. What do I need to do to make sure I’m legal?

Don’t shoot anyone with them, unless you are in fear for your life. If you keep one in your car/truck, keep it in the glove box or other closed compartment, not under the seat of out in plain view. That’s about it.

'06 Mckee Craft
184 Marathon
DF140 Suzuki

Thanks, but ATF defers to the state on handguns.

Only those firearms subject to the National Firearms Act (NFA) (e.g., machineguns, short–barreled rifles and shotguns, silencers, destructive devices, and firearms designated as “any other weapons”) must be registered with ATF.
Firearms registration may be required by State or local law. Any person considering acquiring a firearm should contact his or her State Attorney General’s Office to inquire about the laws and possible State or local restrictions.
[26 U.S.C. 5841; 27 CFR 479.101]]

Originally posted by WallyB

Thanks, but ATF defers to the state on handguns.

Only those firearms subject to the National Firearms Act (NFA) (e.g., machineguns, short–barreled rifles and shotguns, silencers, destructive devices, and firearms designated as “any other weapons”) must be registered with ATF.
Firearms registration may be required by State or local law. Any person considering acquiring a firearm should contact his or her State Attorney General’s Office to inquire about the laws and possible State or local restrictions.
[26 U.S.C. 5841; 27 CFR 479.101]]

You don’t have to register your guns.

Pioneer 222 Sportfish Yamaha F300
Yeah, but do you consider a dog to be a filthy animal? I wouldn’t go so far as to call a dog filthy but they’re definitely dirty. But, a dog’s got personality. Personality goes a long way.

“Life’s tough…It’s even tougher if you’re stupid” John Wayne

Let’s make this easy:

There does, however, exist a registration that is necessary for NFA items, and the ATF/FBI/Sherriff get your information and guns’ information if you buy 2 HANDGUNS in a 5 business day period.

When a background check is done on you to purchase a gun, the only information sent to the FBI/ATF is YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION and whether the gun is a handgun/longgun/other. THAT’S IT.

So, if you have been given handguns that are in another state, you can get them and transport them home while following all laws in those states you pass through, or you can have them shipped to a dealer here. If you do the latter, you will be required to submit a 4473 background check when you pick them up.

AGAIN, your father does NOT have two guns REGISTERED to him. He owns two guns that he went through background check information to receive. The GOV knows nothing about what he has or what he’s done with it since.

To make sure you’re legal, you need to get them to you somehow legally, that is your only hurdle.

If you’d like more info, please ask. The laws are clear, and the misconceptions in the public are VAST.

Wadmalaw native
16’ Bentz-Craft Flats Boat

Thanks, Leadenwahboy.

My mom gave me a pistol and I asked highway patrol the same question. I was told to have a receipt(it could be for $1)from her and all was legal. I carried it in my truck which was why I asked about it.

Originally posted by billymac

My mom gave me a pistol and I asked highway patrol the same question. I was told to have a receipt(it could be for $1)from her and all was legal. I carried it in my truck which was why I asked about it.

Sadly, you’d be surprised how many LE personnel know very little about gun laws and, if you’ve ever watched Cops or something like that, how many don’t even know basic functions of handling a firearm. I cringe every time I watch one of those shows and see LE flag everyone around them while they struggle to figure our how to clear the firearm.

Well said, leadenwahboy!!!

No matter how much it hurts, how dark it gets, or how far you fall…you are never out of the fight.

Originally posted by bangstick
Originally posted by billymac

My mom gave me a pistol and I asked highway patrol the same question. I was told to have a receipt(it could be for $1)from her and all was legal. I carried it in my truck which was why I asked about it.

Sadly, you’d be surprised how many LE personnel know very little about gun laws and, if you’ve ever watched Cops or something like that, how many don’t even know basic functions of handling a firearm. I cringe every time I watch one of those shows and see LE flag everyone around them while they struggle to figure our how to clear the firearm.

Well said, leadenwahboy!!!

No matter how much it hurts, how dark it gets, or how far you fall…you are never out of the fight.

Yeah, he found a cop that is clueless…sad.

Wadmalaw native
16’ Bentz-Craft Flats Boat

You should have seen one of them trying to figure out what to do when they pulled me and a buddy over with about 8 or 9 tax stamps in the truck…from silencers to machine guns, lol. He was terrified, and knew NOTHING about what was going on.

Wadmalaw native
16’ Bentz-Craft Flats Boat

Not surprised.

I bet the look on his face was priceless.

No matter how much it hurts, how dark it gets, or how far you fall…you are never out of the fight.

In high school, my daughter had a substitute teacher, who was a marine, tell the class keeping a loaded gun in the house was against the law. Ignorance or indoctrination?

Originally posted by leadenwahboy

You should have seen one of them trying to figure out what to do when they pulled me and a buddy over with about 8 or 9 tax stamps in the truck…from silencers to machine guns, lol. He was terrified, and knew NOTHING about what was going on.

Wadmalaw native
16’ Bentz-Craft Flats Boat

I've heard of them showing up at ranges and being a-holes to people with silencers. My brother just rubber bands his to the thing.

It used to amaze me how many people would approach me at public ranges and ask me about the suppressor on my rifle and if I was worried about “getting caught with that illegal silencer” on my rifle but now it saddens me that people aren’t more educated about their rights.

No matter how much it hurts, how dark it gets, or how far you fall…you are never out of the fight.