Something was off today. Started out the day on the falling tide looking for sheepshead on three different very fishy looking spots. Not even one fiddler lost. Then tried our luck on the incoming tide near two creek mouths around a good structure dock. Bait absolutely everywhere. We had live mullet, live shrimp, quartered crab soaking without a lot to show for it. We did have one oversized mullet get beat up by what I assume was a big red, but pulled him out of his mouth apparently. The mullet was scaled on both sides. That was really the extent of our excitement for the day. Other than that there was a saltwater cat on mullet and a very juvie red on a live shrimp, maybe 12-13 inches. Tried a couple of spots for flounder and finally gave up and headed back home. Its been tough fishing lately for me. Tomorrow’s another day!
Here’s hoping a bad report helps someone out.
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I love reports like this because reality is that we don’t limit out every trip! Was the fish you caught a sail cat with the long whiskers and spines? We used to have so many hardhead catfish around here that they were a pest. There were signs on some beaches to not leave them on the beach because somebody might step on them. And on one shrimping trip to bulls bay we had so many baby hard heads caught in the net that it was difficult to catch shrimp. I heard some virus wiped them out? Anyone know?
It was a hardhead catfish. I don’t usually see the the other ones in the Stono.
We did catch three small black drum in the cast net not far from the bridge we tried for sheeps. Also put a big mullet down deep in bridge pilings with no takers.
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Hate you didn’t have a better day but, it makes me feel a little better about our trip out. Maybe I’m not a jinx. 
If a guy with your reputation as a fisherman has it tough, it may just be the fishing. Personally I have never done particularly well in the heat of the summer and look forward to the fall.
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It seems like when there is bait everywhere i typically don’t do as good. I guess they have an abundance of food.
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Thanks for the report. At least you were in the boat. Like you said, you always got tomorrow.
yeah my last 2 trips have not been that great. under slots. been trying new areas closer to home/county farm(leeds) landing vs. going out to bulls bay.
I have found abundant bait to KILL fishing, even offshore too, I prefer scattered bait, but don’t like no bait at all, except in creek mouths personally, but even there, no bait is concerning.
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Sometimes a big school of bait can be a good thing when you see large predators crashing If your bait (live) is restricted in its movements the big predator will see it as an easy meal
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But they will get full.and I want to be there when they get hungry again