Hearing AIds

I’m 47 and have moderate hearing loss. Pretty frustrating. Price not a big issue…Can anyone give me the pros and cons?

Get the best you can afford! The have many brands out there with key fob remotes, that control the sound and mode! They are handy! Get a set that has the soft ear buds! The hard buds are a PITA. They will hurt your ear if you lay on them! The soft ones, not so much! When you take them out put them up somewhere high! Don’t leave them down where your dog can reach them. Ask me how I know that last bit of advise:face_with_head_bandage: You can also have fun with the remote. When the wife starts yacking at you, get that pained expression on your face and aim the remote at her and make like you are muting her! She will love it:smiley: You will only forget to take them out 1 time before you take a shower. The first night you have them, walk out into the backyard and listen to all the insect noise and you’ll marvel at what you’ve not been hearing all these years

Easy, thanks for the info. Been putting off buying them for years. Have lots of buddys with them and all ***** about them all the time.
What brand do you use?

I have Phonak! The ones I have now are my 2nd pair, that I got through the VA! Didn’t cost me anything! I could have got the 1st pair through the VA when I retired, but back then all they had were the big old clunky analog type! I bought the 1st pair out of pocket $5,000. Guess which pair the dog ate? She only ate 1 side and I wasn’t going to pay for another pair. By that time the VA had a selection of Digital Aids.Saved me some money and they supply the batteries! They are a PITA and I only put them in when I go somewhere where I need to hear! The rest of the time I say Huh?

I tell my wife that my hearing loss is a gift from God.

A lot more fun to mute her:imp::smiley:

What’d he say???

What? I couldn’t hear you. The 5"/38 US Navy cannon fire ruined my hearing

huh! Yea , i see the sun shine

George McDonald ; MAD Charleston

When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown

I blame tractors without a cab, hunting parties & Led Zepplin for making me get devices in my forties, many a moon ago. I have AGXR by Audigy which is the plastic lima bean behind the ear with a small cord attached to a rubber mushroom into your canal. Most of the Audiologists are snake oil salesman but eventually found a half way reasonable one. A lot of expense is now covered thru insurance since hearing loss is now considered a disability. The ones I have now will blue tooth to an Iphone which is cool because the phone call goes directly to the devices so you can hear every word. Like Easy said you don’t know all the sounds you were missing until you walk outside the first time. My wife can still hear a mouse pee on cotton 400 yards away but I’m a “say again” semi-lip-reader who’s broke, busted, & disgusted! Good luck with your devices

I spent a few days helping with a free hearing clinic last year. Spent some chit-chatting time with the audiologist, and his recommendation was to buy the best ones you can afford.


speaking of hearing aids…why aren’t hearing aids covered by health insurance and why can’t you buy ‘generic’ hearing aids over the counter? Hearing aids help you hear just like eyeglasses help you see. Eyeglasses are covered by health insurance and you can buy reading glasses over the counter. Don’t understand the difference. I’m interested in this for personal reasons…my mom has lost most of her hearing and can’t afford hearing aids and I’m starting to get a slight loss of hearing in one of my ears.

Check with you insurance company! Bayrider says they are beginning to cover them:question:

Originally posted by Redstripe

I’m 47 and have moderate hearing loss. Pretty frustrating. Price not a big issue…Can anyone give me the pros and cons?


People will forget what you said…
People will forget what you did…
But people will never forget how you made them feel.

Capt. Justin

Originally posted by sea tonic

speaking of hearing aids…why aren’t hearing aids covered by health insurance and why can’t you buy ‘generic’ hearing aids over the counter? Hearing aids help you hear just like eyeglasses help you see. Eyeglasses are covered by health insurance and you can buy reading glasses over the counter. Don’t understand the difference. I’m interested in this for personal reasons…my mom has lost most of her hearing and can’t afford hearing aids and I’m starting to get a slight loss of hearing in one of my ears.

Good question?? I’m getting good at guessing what people are saying.

Someone making money I would assume.

Working with the VA now on some hearing aids. right ear pretty much deaf in and left not much better. If only I would have applied before 2003 I could have been grandfathered in. To qualify for any benefits now I would have to make under $32k ish a year. If I can get just 1% disability I’ll have that cap removed and also be able to get prescription meds. Fingers crossed.

“Why Bruce?”

Originally posted by Redstripe

I’m 47 and have moderate hearing loss. Pretty frustrating. Price not a big issue…Can anyone give me the pros and cons?

Also,hearing aid stores will cost you $6,000 for the same hearing aids COSTCO sells for $2,500 OR less out the door. When you need service from the other stores it will cost you plenty just for a minor tweak. COSTCO guarantees you free replacement and service up to 1 year for any reason. I lost one of mine, they replaced it no charge. One wasn’t working properly ( it went under water ), free replacement. Oh and the test is free!

People will forget what you said…
People will forget what you did…
But people will never forget how you made them feel.

Capt. Justin

Just don’t get one of those As Seen on TV hearing aids. They magnify everything, every sound. Nothing more than general amplifiers. Get one that distinguishes between conversation and background noise.
