Help H2O pump

I would put this in boats and motors, but it gets little traffic and Chris V doesn’t come here anymore.
Anyway, i have a 2006 or 2007 Merc 115 EFI and I replace the pump, put on hose and nothing comes out pee hole. I put the pump splines in same direction as old which is how they turn when spinning the shaft clockwise. only thing i can think is the key? i re-used the old one because it has the half moon that exactly fits the impeller but the new one is cut kind of and i figured it was a mistake at factory. the new one has the hard plastic inner of impeller but it’s black and not white. idk guys why in the world it isn’t pumping. when bolting up the splines were not exactly aligned and make a pop sound but everything looks fine when i took back off. also, it was in neutral when pulled off and when i re-installed it would shift in fwd and rev.
first pic is new and last one is old. you can see the new key which has the circle shaved off and the old gasket(a little bigger) and the new one. not sure why old gasket had to over so much medal i don’t think it matters.
At end of day i may need to get the Skull Island marine guy to come fix it for me. he’s mobile and had him look at some stuff before. Usually this is a cake job though…

It doesn’t make any difference which way you install the veins on the impeller, the direction of the shaft turning will force the them in the proper orientation.

Either the impeller isn’t spinning with the shaft, or you have an obstruction in the tube to the pee hole.

Weed eater line is a good choice to push through the tube to clear a blockage.

Hope this helps!

MN may be on the right trail,especially if the old impeller was was torn up and missing pieces.The old torn off pieces may be clogging up the system. I would remove thermostat and look because marsh grass can get stuck in there also.Then start removing hoses.Good luck pal!

What mixed said about the pee tube blocked. I would start there before disassembling. Those tiny little black dirt dabber wasp thingies will do a number and quick. Had one almost 10 " up once block mine. Sure your muffs are on good? Sometimes it’s hard to get the water system to prime on muffs. After that I’d look like you said on key then make sure your water tube went into proper spot top side on block.

You’ll get it!

Edit… I smear a dab of heavy grease over my “pee” tube hole when ever I park my boat.

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:point_up: what they said them dang little black waspy buggers can fill a hole quick

and try a barrel for water supply

Goodist luck!

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Always said I was gonna make a test rig with a large drill motor to spin up a water pump in a drum before reinstalling the foot.I’ll get around to it one of these days.Fred is probably spot on about the metal tube going into the block correctly.

first off thanks for all the replies.
I went to hankell and picked up another kit(quicksilver). everything was very similar except one of the medal gaskets and the impleller seemed more pliable. also when keyed there was zero play wheras the other one had a little play. i also stuck some mono through the pee hole just in case and it now pees harder than i do!

I added a whale tail to the motor like some of you guys recommended before since i was having a hard time getting on plane with everybody at the back of boat. cant wait to try it out. Also replaced the prop hub just because the old one is 15 years old and figured why not.

THAT is what CF should be all about!

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