help me set my tide watch.please

Trying to set my tide watch to charlston sc. Harbor tide.
I need to know
Lunitidal interval hour and min?
Moon age? Example…26.4
Thank you so much if u can help me even the watch company hung up on me…lol


Longitude of Charleston Harbor is 79 52’ 36" W . Moon age today is 27.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Cracker Built Custom Boats

Thank you !!Wut about the lunartidal interval in min and hours?


The lunitidal interval measures the time lag from the moon passing overhead, to the next high or low tide.
From that link I gave you above, look at what time the moon is overhead and what time is the next high or low tide, then figure the hours and minutes between them

Capt. Larry Teuton
Cracker Built Custom Boats

Thank you sooooo much.u have solved my prbloum!
