i want to video tape my hunts next season and i was looking for some advice on what kind of cameras yall use and what modification yall have had succcess with. any tips on self filming hunts will also be greatly appreciated.
Does anyone like to help or give advice nowadays?
21 Contender
i have a gorilla camera arm. it’s pretty handy and not too pricey. i rarely use it cause i’m more worried about shooting something than getting it on film. messing around with the camera has caused missed shot opportunities for me before. if you’re hunting over a corn pile or a food source then maybe you’ll get plenty of time for filming and shooting.
thank you sir greatly appreciated
Most guys that are into filming their adventures outdoors will probably say go pro cams are the way to go. Ive never had one but ive seen some great videos from them and I hear that they are impossible to ruin. I have a kodak camera thats like a knock off go pro. its waterproof and shock proof. It does a great job , ive got no complaints. Go pro is probably better though
GoPro is decent. I have 2, but hate the fact that there is no view finder.
Keep an eye out for what StretchArmStrong on this site has in the works. It will revolutionize filming you hunt…