Hey Dfreedom, looky here....

So I saw this truck on the road this morning and immediately thought of how you should own this thing. Seriously, I’m not really a Toyota guy, but this truck is good looking. So, when are you gonna pull the trigger and get one?


“Another poon dream splintered on the rocks of reality.” --Peepod 07-25-2017

I found you one…


“Another poon dream splintered on the rocks of reality.” --Peepod 07-25-2017

If it didn’t say Toyota, I at first thought of a Ford Raptor.

It might not be the majority opinion, but I don’t like the way the Raptor looks, inside or out. Its over done…and I wouldn’t buy a $100k truck when 95% of the time I’m on pavement.

“Another poon dream splintered on the rocks of reality.” --Peepod 07-25-2017

Come on Dfree…we’re waiting!

“Another poon dream splintered on the rocks of reality.” --Peepod 07-25-2017

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So nice that you thought of me when it comes to buying a $60,000+ truck. I do like it though I find the grill a bit big (seems to be a thing these days). I like the white a lot though I am now afraid of anything painted white with “Toyota” on it (another story). I occasionally find myself wanting a new/newer truck but, my 06 has 115,000 miles on it and runs/drive like new. Very hard to convince myself to drop a bunch of cash on a new/newer truck when mine does what I need it to do. Right now I have a fleet (5) of vehicles so no additional vehicles needed. Socking $ away so me and the missus can pull the plug in a couple of years. Now if I win the lottery…

Take it easy.

"Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It's Hand", but really, who cares?

dfreedom… @ a 115000 run that puppy for another 20 years!!! Back in the day before Toyota and Datsun schooled American auto on longevity I’d say ok… But now a good maintained vehicle is well capable of 300,000. But what do I know… I’m crazy as a scat house loon.

My cousin has a Tacoma with over 400k on original motor & that was 15 yrs ago. Last time I spoke to my Aunt she said he still runs it but only for hunting & stuff, no longer a commute vehicle.
I hope to get at least 15 more years out of my Tundra, it is in bad need of a paint job.

[navy]Sportsman Masters 207 Yamaha F150[/navy]

“it is in bad need of a paint job.”

I’ve owned several Toyota’s over the years and I only have 4 complaints about all of them. The mileage on the Tundra sucks and, the tailgate is so heavy, my wife can’t open it safely or close it. I know they went to a gas shock deal in 07 so issue fixed. Other than these 2 complaints, I absolutely love that truck. It is the best, most reliable vehicle I have ever owned. The paint on it looks great.

Now, on to my other 2 complaints. My wife has a 2013 Highlander. When we got it, she wanted a sunroof as she had never had one. Of course you have to get the leather seats, etc… Several years ago she tells me the driver side floorboard is soaking wet. It took me a while but, I figured out that the sunroof drain was clogged. I tried to unclog it but was unsuccessful. I found a guy called the Leak Doctor and took it to him. He had to take the A pillar cover off to clean out the drain tube. $100.

About a year later it clogged again so, I did some extensive research and found that it wasn’t the tube that was the issue but a drain reservoir. It seems the tube does drain straight out but into a reservoir that backs up and leaks into the floorboard. I ended up cutting the factory drain tube and running my own out through an existing hole in the floorboard. It hasn’t leaked or clogged since. Hard to believe that an “engineer” actually designed that system.

Now the real pisser. We paid $395 extra (against my wife’s wishes) for “premium” Blizzard Pearl White paint. It started peeling off in large pieces a couple of years ago on the roof. I contacted Toyota only to be told “too bad, the warranty has expired”. Internet research revealed that this is a fairly common issue on Toyota and Lexus cars with Blizzard Pearl White paint. They are actually covering cars from as far back as 2008 BUT, since they have not received enough complaints, they refuse to take responsibility for my car and many others. I have found 3 websites with m

They are not going to unless legally forced to.
The 2022 Tundras have a lot of issues from what I have been reading. Also looks like Toyota knows but sent them out for pre-orders & to dealers anyway.
My 07 with 5.7L gets bad mileage, bad paint job, & my tailgate assist no lo get works.
But other than those it has pulled the heck out of anything I have hooked to it.

[navy]Sportsman Masters 207 Yamaha F150[/navy]