Hey Pod

Have you seen any pictures of that so called brined Turkey that Bonzo, said he was going to post:question: Maybe I missed them in the run up to the big game last night! If you’ve seen them, or have a link to them please send them to me!

He’s ignoring my texts. He called me some mean racis names during the game. Gamecock, sodomy. You get the idea

So there never was a Turkey:question:

twitch…twitch…let it sink…set the hook!

The Morris Island Lighthouse www.savethelight.org

Bonzo, that’s not like you to be calling The Pod, names:face_with_head_bandage:

He’s a sore winner. Bet he got a headache today

Bet it ain’t caused by winning!

I told you I feel sorry for people who don’t drink…

The Morris Island Lighthouse www.savethelight.org