Hidden cameras and gas station "All IN BLUFF"

Stopped by a small truck stop in Spartanburg tonight for a few things on my last night working out of town…Decided to get a couple slices of pizza but it was still cooking…The young cashier said it would only be about 7-8 minutes so I paid my tab and walked the isles while I waited…

5 minutes later the cashier calls me over and said her boss was on the phone and wanted me to empty my pockets,seems she was monitoring the cameras at another location off the premises and saw me put some merchandize in my pocket…I did pick up some fuel additive and read the label and also looked at the price on some fuses.

The cashier, obviously not enjoying this didn’t know what to do so I asked her very politely to call the police when she got off the phone w her boss so this could be settled asap…
She hung up the phone and gave me my pizza and said she was very sorry…I then asked her if she would call her boss back so I might speak w her and that’s just what she did…

As I spoke w the mgr she was going back over the video and said she couldn’t positively say I had put something in my pocket. I gave her my name and number and asked for her bosses name/number as well…
I then told her she may want to re-think calling a cashier like she did and putting this young lady in a very awkward, possibly dangerous situation…

I’m going to contact her boss tomorrow and suggest some theft protection training.

Interested on some of your thoughts on how this whole thing was handled.

She trying to get someone shot. No way should this be a policy.

Key West 1720 115 HP Johnson Saltwater.

I can’t think of a better way to handle it than you did.

13ft Whaler with 25hp Johnson

If you’re lucky enough to be fishing, you’re lucky enough.

In the spirit of our society nowadays, you should sue for emotional distress and because you can no longer go into a convenience store without getting paranoid.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”.

Yeeeeaah,I like it.

That would work with a DUI check point also! Right DF? Do we sue an individual cop or the Department as a whole?

Not what I was expecting. I misread the title to say “ALL IN THE BUFF”

Originally posted by Rapchizzle

Not what I was expecting. I misread the title to say “ALL IN THE BUFF”

LOL…I did too!

“Endeavor to Persevere.
Give,Give… Never Take.”

You have a much cooler head than me. I would have said, “No, maybe you should have your boss come down here and try to empty my pockets himself. Until then, I’m not doing ****.”…

[quote]Originally posted by skinneej

You have a much cooler head than me. I would have said, “No, maybe you should have your boss come down here and try to empty my pockets himself. Until then, I’m not doing ****.”…

Thought about that but the young lady was very uncomfortable relaying what her boss was saying to a complete stranger and there was only the two of us…I don’t live here,don’t have any connections and figured the best thing was to wait for the cops and keep my cool…

I waited long enough for the cops,the young lady apologized and I left…Getting hogtied,tackled before I could make my case was a thought running thru my mind as I drove away…Guess I’m getting old.

Where you wearing anything with a Clemson logo on it?

Charleston City Papers Best Guide of 2014

Under the circumstances you handled it well. You remained calm and defused the situation. The question is what can be done to prevent this from happening in the future?

People will forget what you said…
People will forget what you did…
But people will never forget how you made them feel.

Originally posted by capehorn 16

Thought about that but the young lady was very uncomfortable relaying what her boss was saying to a complete stranger and there was only the two of us…

I can see that angle. I can appreciate the notion that you disarmed a bit feeling sorry for her, but I still can't picture myself obliging or waited around.

The good news is, you might have saved her life. If you had been a hardened criminal and she confronted you, she might have gotten hurt.

I just don’t see how people don’t have the brains to figure things out like this on their own. 1) As you have pointed out, her mgr is a dip**** for potentially putting her in harm’s way, and 2) She is a dip**** for not saying “no” to her manager. People nowadays just don’t make sense to me.

Come on Easy, you sue the department. ALWAYS go for the deep pockets. The officer has nothing.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”.

Noted, DF:wink:

Originally posted by skinneej

She is a dip**** for not saying “no” to her manager. People nowadays just don’t make sense to me.

She’s a gas station attendant… don’t exactly recruit from the top 10% of the labor pool.

This whole thing sounds like a really good way for the store owner to get sued.

I would have told them to stop stereotyping me because of my whiteness! Then ran outside with while eating my pizza! lol:smiley:

Thinking back on the whole ordeal I think the smell of the pizza and my growling gut probably won out in the end.

Originally posted by Edistodaniel
Originally posted by skinneej

She is a dip**** for not saying “no” to her manager. People nowadays just don’t make sense to me.

She’s a gas station attendant… don’t exactly recruit from the top 10% of the labor pool.

This whole thing sounds like a really good way for the store owner to get sued.

They don't have a survival instinct? I think that newborn infants have this instinct...

Before college, I had managed at both restaurants and grocery stores, and I can assure you that the manager of this gas station is a complete freaking coward. THEY were the ones that should have been confronting a potential shoplifter, not the cashier.

… The Cross of Christ is the anvil upon which the hammer of evil wore itself out.