History Fans

I don’t know if anyone here listens to podcasts but if you have the ability and are a fan of history I stumbled across a series that has been monopolizing my time. It’s called Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History. I just finished listening to about 12 hours of World War One (countdown to Armageddon) and there is more to go. There was also a really good series on the Mongols and Gangis Kahn and other single episodes.

I can’t seem to write this without it sounding like an advertisement but just figured I’d share since I’ve been enjoying it so much. This stuff is really really good.

18ft Polar CC 115 Yam.

“Pamplona is no place to bring your wife” Earnest Hemmingway

I enjoy History! How do you get this Pod Cast stuff?

I listen to it through my android phone. You can get an app and search and download them. you can also get them on ipods and apple phones. It’s all free. There is also a decent fishing podcast on there but at least for me it’s nothing like the program I mentioned above.

18ft Polar CC 115 Yam.

“Pamplona is no place to bring your wife” Earnest Hemmingway

I enjoy History! How do you get this Pod Cast stuff?

This ought to be good.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”.

I’m not going to buy no fancy dancy new computer phone. I’ll leave that to youngsters, like you DF! My old flip phone does just fine. I don’t have enough hours on my plan to listen to stuff for 12 hours! I’ll wait until it comes on the History Channel.