Hitting the Creek 1/2/2016!

Started my New Year off confused. Got MM (left in truck) got gas (left Nav lights in garage)picked those up and realized I didn’t repair the stern light. Got to the landing and realize I left the MM on the truck (work truck that is). Dropped boat and haul back to get the MM. Set up camera to take a sunrise and no SD card in it, at least no one took my boat. got to my spot and picked up Red after Red

Excuse the upside down selfie but not quite savvy with the cell and didn’t want to waste time keeping this 6lbs 26"er out the water long

From big to small

Mustard a small slam.

1/3/2016 Wrong site but got in a bit of offshore also

“Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education”

18’ CC SeaFox

Way to persevere, KOBP! All your early mishaps/delays had to make the slam that much more satisfying. :sunglasses:

“I’m not a hundred percent in love with your tone right now…”

This man can do no wrong!

Thanks again for another solid report, gave me a chuckle

2000 Aquasport Osprey 175 CC

Fatrat, don’t take it so hard , had more of my share of those days !!:face_with_head_bandage::face_with_head_bandage::face_with_head_bandage:


When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown