HOBA a bust?

One thousands downloads nationally for the app on my Google Play account as of today, see for yourself on your Google/Apple accounts. Known David, great guy, and seemed a great idea, Uber has a similar service and has the money, resources, and name rec to take this idea nationally if it has any viability. Used Hoba twice, and came in handy over the 4th of July weekend. I hope he at least maintains it as a local service in the Charleston area, a buddy of mine that knows David told me its not going anywhere and the download numbers back up what he says, sorry to say!

maybe he needs to iron out some issues and it could be more popular? I suggested HOBA to my niece when she was planning a visit back in May. She lives in London and was trying set up a boat rental during her vacation in Charleston. I mentioned HOBA as an alternative to a rental. She downloaded the app but when she used it, it wouldn’t let her get information about the service in the Charleston area. It kept providing her info for London. Weird.

Think the problem was he didn’t have the money/resources to take it beyond the Charleston area, and Uber has already now launched a similar service with national reach. One thousand downloads is friends and family and a few locals. And I heard about it, downloaded the app. around 6 months ago, which is plenty of time to iron out the bugs,/ for it to catch on. Like I said, hope he can keep it a local service for the Charleston area, maybe he will be able to expand it along the SC coast some but beyond that, not happening.