Hog hunting in sc

Looking for some hog hunting around the low country of South Carolina. I really don’t want to pay 225 dollars a day to hunt hogs. All I see is package deals on the Internet. I am looking to use a stand and not dog hunt. Thanks in advance for the replies.

You have until tomorrow to still hunt for them in Francis Marion.


go on scoutdoornews.com and ask around…

you can hunt hog year around on WMA, Francis Marion, but u have to follow the rules with whatever other season is in… go on scdnr’s site and look it up

it should be getting easier to find places to hog hunt around here as they keep multiplying and causing problems

I’ve shot about 10 of them still hunting for deer in the last couple of years, don’t really care to mess with them though… changing clubs in the next few weeks, so that opportunity will be gone soon

Sea Hunt Triton 177
115 Yamaha