Hog Hunting

Just wondering if anyone notices a change in feeding times for hogs as weather gets colder. Raised hogs for years and curious if wild hogs will feed more in day time when weather gets cold.

The only time I’ve noticed them more during the day is during or after rain. Seems a heavy rain really brings them out.

Capt. R. Killin
21 Contender “No Slack”

I’ve seen in the middle of the day in FMNF from October thru December. I think it’s hunting pressure that determines when they move.

I shot one 2 weeks ago around noon in the FMNF.

Hogs move when they want to. One day they might feed in the middle of the day, the next two weeks only at night. We have a sounder of about 15 that’s all over the clock, just dumb luck when you get on them. One day they’re on our feeders, the next a mile or two away on another clubs feeders. I wish they could be patterned with more certainty. I’d rather shoot pigs than anything, the dirt twerk is fun to watch.

Got a big red sow in that sounder with a hoof print that looks like a softball. I get the chance I’m putting a 180grn Super Hammerhead from the .300wm in her head.

Pioneer 222 Sportfish Yamaha F300
Yeah, but do you consider a dog to be a filthy animal? I wouldn’t go so far as to call a dog filthy but they’re definitely dirty. But, a dog’s got personality. Personality goes a long way.

“Life’s tough…It’s even tougher if you’re stupid” John Wayne

Originally posted by saltydog235

Hogs move when they want to. One day they might feed in the middle of the day, the next two weeks only at night. We have a sounder of about 15 that’s all over the clock, just dumb luck when you get on them. One day they’re on our feeders, the next a mile or two away on another clubs feeders. I wish they could be patterned with more certainty. I’d rather shoot pigs than anything, the dirt twerk is fun to watch.

Got a big red sow in that sounder with a hoof print that looks like a softball. I get the chance I’m putting a 180grn Super Hammerhead from the .300wm in her head.

Pioneer 222 Sportfish Yamaha F300
Yeah, but do you consider a dog to be a filthy animal? I wouldn’t go so far as to call a dog filthy but they’re definitely dirty. But, a dog’s got personality. Personality goes a long way.

“Life’s tough…It’s even tougher if you’re stupid” John Wayne

Salty is spot on with the randomness of hogs. I’ve had em destroy an acre of corn with plenty more to eat and move two miles down the road to another field. Catch em on the cameras day, night, big rain, no rain, very random from what I’ve seen.

The one thing that does help if you can hunt near a swamp and you have a large water level gain after a large rain, Bait heavy and hunt the high lands coming out of the swamp.

Next off, some good dogs and a good woods horse. Too much for me.

You will find that hogs don’t move as much on really cold mornings and wait for the sun to get up a little. They will all lay together in a big pile to keep warm since they don’t have much hair. On warmer days they are there whenever they want to be.

Olde Man Charters
286 Seafox/Twin 300’s