Can anybody tell me how Hog inlet is? I have a 22’ center console and wondering if I can get in/out at least half tide. I’m going to be in the area in August and would love to get offshore while there.
Not a good idea. Constantly changing. Put in under the bridge and run the icw to jetties.
What he said,bad idea trying to run out of Cherry Grove,not saying it can’t be done but things could go wrong in a hurry.
Thanks for the info y’all. I was considering renting a house for a week with a dock in that area. No wonder they are so cheap.
Sea Hunt 212 Triton
“Head East”
Johnny causey boat landing by the swing bridge not far. A lot better fishing in the icw. It’s not but about a 5or6 mile run to the jetties Cherry Grove is way over fished. 25 or 30 boats or more on the water in that small area. Probably more now that it’s been dredged & People can use their dock.Fishing lines across the creek from about every dock. About all you will catch is12-inch flounder. But if you got a good deal on a house. Cherry Grove real good area. Not trying to be a negative Nancy. But in middle of summer it’s a nuthouse out there.