My son (15) is an avid deer hunter, but has been bugging me to hunt for hogs. We have none where we deer hunt. If anyone one could help with a spot in Chas area…it would be appreciated. I know Francis Marion has them…but if I could get tips on a productive area there or elsewhere it would be appreciated. Thanks
Shoot me a pm and I can try to help you out on FMNF hogs. Odds are the yellow jacket area will be over pressured now but there Is a lot of truth in his post.
Originally posted by RedfishScoutI can see no one wants to tell you crap. Go up Yellowjacket Rd (No 159) and check the ditches for rootings. Darlington Swamp off the SE side of Yellowjacket is a full of them. Any place on the Santee River bottom is good or in the Waterhorn go up Millbranch to the first bridge. Either side is good. Wambaw is loaded, again just ride the roads and check the ditches. …and talk to people that you run into on the roads. Most guys will tell you where they saw hogs. I stopped to talk to a fella the other night and he told me where I could kill two hogs he said were 500# plus. Be careful with a kid because a hog like that could hurt you. GL
Scout 177 Yam 115
You people here on never fail to amaze me. I feel sorry for anyone who has put in time hunting and scouting in the above mentioned areas. No one wants to tell you crap? Get off your ass and get in the woods and find the (**() hogs yourself. Hey refisherscout, got any good duck hole gps numbers you can post up on here? Every rubberhead and their brother will be looking for rooting hogs off of yellow jacket rd. and in wambaw in the am.
08 Bowtech Tribute
11 Bowtech Destroyer
Remington 700 30-06
Not really trying to start an argument… but he’s not asking for ruck or deer spots. I don’t see anything wring with somebody wantin to kill hogs. Something that everybody complains about.
Hunter P. Hames
11’ Tarpon 100
19’ Sea Fox 125 merc
Find the nasty stuff you hunt hogs in and often you find the good deer. I had a deer spot off yellow jacket I now won’t hunt.
Nothing wrong with giving locations for people to shoot hogs.The more info given the better.Those locations may be over run with hogs today but hogs will not tolerate pressure and will move on quickly.If anyone regularly deer hunts that area they should be glad to have the hogs removed.The deer hunting wont be hurt what so ever by hog hunting.Hopefully more hogs will be shot than can be dragged out.No need for whining about to many hogs getting killed.The deer and turkey both will benefit.Yall go shoot some hogs.
Originally posted by salty849quote:
Originally posted by RedfishScoutI can see no one wants to tell you crap. Go up Yellowjacket Rd (No 159) and check the ditches for rootings. Darlington Swamp off the SE side of Yellowjacket is a full of them. Any place on the Santee River bottom is good or in the Waterhorn go up Millbranch to the first bridge. Either side is good. Wambaw is loaded, again just ride the roads and check the ditches. …and talk to people that you run into on the roads. Most guys will tell you where they saw hogs. I stopped to talk to a fella the other night and he told me where I could kill two hogs he said were 500# plus. Be careful with a kid because a hog like that could hurt you. GL
Scout 177 Yam 115
You people here on never fail to amaze me. I feel sorry for anyone who has put in time hunting and scouting in the above mentioned areas. No one wants to tell you crap? Get off your ass and get in the woods and find the (**() hogs yourself. Hey refisherscout, got any good duck hole gps numbers you can post up on here? Every rubberhead and their brother will be looking for rooting hogs off of yellow jacket rd. and in wambaw in the am.
Yeah, there is something wrong with it. I know guys that do nothing but hog hunt, and they put in the time and effort to go out , locate, and kill them, on their own. Then some jack leg goes and posts exact locations on the net trying to help some lazy democrat who doesn’t want to put in the time and effort to locate them on there own. I haven’t hunted the govt woods in 10 years and I sure as hell won’t ever post a location to kill a squirrel on here because I have friends that do hunt there and would hate to cause a traffic jam on halfway creek rd because I posted some helpfull info to someone looking for a hand out. There’s a difference between asking for “tips” and asking for a location.
08 Bowtech Tribute
11 Bowtech Destroyer
Remington 700 30-06
I like to help anyone that enjoys the outdoors or are trying to learn to enjoy it
some don’t have a ton of time, access to great spots or money to be in a great club
I fish Lake Murray and many folks on the water share what the fish are doing, they don’t share their favorite spot but they share good spots and info on what the fish are hitting, depth, etc.
I shared some info with an old man and his grandson, after fishing a couple hours he came back up the lake, showed me what they caught, and offered me a fish, I made a new friend, and took me hunting on his private farm
Karma you get what you give
Pioneer 197SF
I have to agree with what Salty is saying. I have put many of foot hours in the FMNF to find game and I will be (**()ed if I give away my spots or anyone elses spot they show me. I am sorry if this sounds harsh but I might tell you an area to hunt but not hunt here on this road and look for this and that.
Going to Church doesn’t make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.
You are the offspring of 5 monkeys having But Secs with a retarded fish squirrel. CONGRADULATION!!!
I agree with salty people have forgotten what hunting is the name spells it all HUNTING its not called go killing . I have spent several years in the fmnf walking and looking in my opinion that’s a real hunt not going to a spot where someone told you to stand and wait to kill something . Yakman do you even hunt ?
grab the gaff and another cold beer
Yall need to read the advice post again.There was no specific location given.Yellow Jacket rd is 4-5 miles long maybe longer.The given name of a swamp so what.They were advised to ride the road and look for rooting in the ditches.Really fellas is this putting some one on someones “spot”.If you have a “secret spot” in the FMNF then it is only secret to you it has been walked over many times.And if someone riding down the road looking for sign is going to ruin your “spot” hahahahaha.You are hunting to close to the road.I understand not giving up honey-holes I dont either but in this case that didnt happen.
One more thing if you are so selfish as to not help someone out with a “tip” then make d*** sure you never ask for one or use one you “over hear”
I’ve already helped a few people out on here with similar questions but choose to do so over pm. As far as a tip ill post them all up here, I have few secrets. Much of what I’ve learned has been passed down to me and as such I don’t feel too bad about passing it along. I feel that to consistently get on any game you have to get ou there am spend the time and learn from failure. You may have one place to fish where you catch some but does that make you a good fisherman who has learned to get on them anywhere? Hopefully that made sense, and I don’t have too much knowledge but have spent a lot of time out in FM, if I can help anyone PM me but I won’t post up anything remotely specific in public. Sorry for typos also as I’m on a phone
nothing top secret about yellowjacket, wambaw, waterhorn or hellhole holding hogs
and looking on the roads for rootn definitely isn’t a new gps location… lol
get over yourselves and help someone else get a start, there’s plenty of hogs in there to go around
wanna know where to turkey hunt in the FMNF? pull out your droid or Iphone and take a look at the satelite view while you’re driving through, when u see a field on it stop and go check it out… most of those fields hold turkeys a few different times a day!
how’d I find out? boots on the ground, after looking at my phone
there are no secret spots anymore…
Sea Hunt Triton 177
115 Yamaha
Thanks redfish. Some of these aholes didn’t see is was for a 15yr old who wanted to shoot a hog. Its a friggen pig for pete’s sake. Again I’m content where I deer and turkey hunt and glad we don’t have a hog problem.For the record I’ve hunted and fished for 40 yrs and logged 1000s of hours scouting and putting up stands for myself and kids who want to get into hunting and fishing. To me …now…thats the fun helping young kids get into the outdoors…I could give a SH*& if they know all I’ve learned over 40 years…and I’ll put them in a spot to catch a fish or shoot a deer
I’m not some salty Jackass who thinks he has all the “hunting secrets”.give me a break.
Redfish pm me if you wants some trout hotspots I have found the last few weeks…thanks again
Say it aint so Redfish.Just say it aint so.Them poor little pigs.Not to mention the increased blood pressure and hissy fits some will have.But since its out there I want to wish everyone success in killing a few hogs in this local.There is no limit so kill all you can to help the deer turkey and vultures.Enjoy!
So whos tried the new hog hotspot so far? lol
Haha! Nice one. Was that one of the couple hundred you saw out there? Lol
I had to shoo away 50 other pigs to get to that big fella. Never seen anything like it!
Whoever on here claims they have never gotten advice on a good fishing spot, hog spot, deer spot etc. and did it all on their own is full of chit to the top of their ears.
I guess no one ever heard of people helping people? Only a POS welfare, illiterate, Obama phone toting, scumbag would EVER ask for a little help from someone. Do you know how many people in a days time ask me how to fix and diagnose their trucks? I guess I should tell them all to go fly a kite, its the American way to figure it out on your own, no matter what the expense is in time or money.
I have received good info from people on here and I will help back when I am capable. I gave a few people the exact GPS locations of where I was catching shrimp in the harbor and never had an issue with it.
Maybe if people want their own special hunting spot that they can call all their own and not share, they should buy the land and defend it at all costs to any intruders.
Hydra-Sports 22 Bay Sport
225 Rude