homes, neighborhoods, locations, etc.

I thought 526 extension got nixed again a few months ago? I wouldn't take that gamble. Hasn't that been on the books for 30-40 years?

The final cutoff for the state $$$ is March 31st, 2016. After that the $450m will be distributed elsewhere throughout the state if Chas Co can’t come up with the $350m. It hasn’t been fully nixed yet. There’s a chance, a small one but still a chance. The door is closing but I think Tecklenburg would be a fool not to do everything in his power make it happen. It would be an excellent step in the right direction for him as a new mayor.

You can’t go wrong in Mt P. I bought my house 5 years ago “close in” in Mt P. It’s a townhouse in an older TH community. My home had already been “upgraded or modernized”. Like floorplans that haven’t been upgraded are selling for 35+% of what I paid. And I got in at 80k less than your budget. Like Fritzy said, you have to look in certain areas, and be ready to pounce, but the deals pop up pretty regularly.

Here is a pro tip - You move your new bride out of Mt P, and at some point you’ll be moving her back. Might as well be here to begin with. Ain’t nothin’ getting cheaper…

I've been told before, many years ago, to go find a piece of property I love. Buy it, and put a cheap single wide on it. Live in the single wide and start building the house I really want. I'm fine with doing that, but the fiance has shot down that idea. I didn't expect she'd go along with that, but it was worth a shot.

That’s what my wife and I did 20 years ago. Found us 88 acres of unimproved land. Built a road, made a clearing, pitched a tent, dug a latrine and a well, then built a house. It wasn’t easy but we got exactly what we wanted. No way could I live in a subdivision or deal with a HOA, If I can’t shoot my rifle off the front porch, I’m moving.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Exactly ^^^^^^ what Larry said , Andy read my post again!!!:smiley::smiley::smiley:


When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown

Andy, just remember Rome wasn’t built in a day!

Sounds like to keep peace in your relation ship you need to be in a neighborhood close to Work. I can’t help on any location that I would consider “good” in a Neighborhood, but I can suggest that any Neighborhood you choose do as other have suggested and stay the heck away from a HOA. Could imagine actually living in a place that tells you what you can or can not park in your own yard!!!

If you can sell your Wife on a little bit of a drive Cracker gave a great example of taking your time and having your own piece of mind… and privacy. There is no more land being made.

I know a lot of people frown on the Mobile home thing, but just imagine finding a cheap one to live in temporary, while taking your time and building your own home. At 27 years old you have so much potential ahead of you! Wish you the best!!

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

At 27 years old you have so much potential ahead of you! Wish you the best!!

Amen. I was 40 when I started clearing our land, now 20 years later I can finally relax, it’s done and paid for. My son is 27 and we just gave him and his wife some land next to ours. They are going to do the same thing. He’s already done it once and knows how.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Originally posted by andyb

I don’t even want to live in Mt. P anyways, much less in an attached dwelling there.

I don’t think I’ll necessarily have to move her back. She likes Mt. P, but she’s never lived anywhere other than Mt. P (and downtown during her CofC days, but that’s completely different). I think she’ll like other parts of town equally as well once she experiences more of Charleston. 20-somethings white women are the worst about their stereotypical uppity Mt. P mindsets. :smiley: And her current roommate only makes her mindset about it worse. :face_with_head_bandage:

I understood your point about a townhouse. I was just referencing mine to make a point that there are very desireable places in Mt P, closer in, in some of the older smaller 'hoods. A friend just turned down a nice place in the back of Snee Farm for $240

And take heed of the dangers of starting off a young marriage making the woman live somewhere she cares not to.

And like I said, when you move her back prices will be that much higher…

And take heed of the dangers of starting off a young marriage making the woman live somewhere she cares not to

I say teach them to take whatever comes :smiley: Sort of like a puppy(Not really). Mine has lived in tents, under tarps, in 20’ boats, and worse places than that, which she cared not to :smiley: I had her bucket trained at 18. But she always hung with me. If she ain’t willing to live my life with me, I’m not committing my life to misery just to please her. I’d rather live in a tent in the woods than in a subdivision with a HOA. She is the same way now :smiley:

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

I grew up on johns island and really enjoyed it. The johns island I knew and the Johns Island they try and sell now are gone. The nice rural areas are not for sale and if they where very few can afford them. I moved from my farm on chisolm to the heart of West Ashley for the very reasons you are asking, cconvenience. Try leaving your work at 5pm one day and make the drive to the McDonald’s at main and maybank… see how long it takes you… and lord help you if there is a car wreck on main or maybank…
One thing to keep in mind in anyplace you choose is remembering road options for traveling to the places you want to go. Mount Pleasant, West Ashley, North Charleston, etc. have dozens of options if a road is blocked, Johns Island has two. I can make it most anywhere in the Charleston area in about 20 minutes.

Have you looked around park circle?

-Albemarle 248xf “Chella”
-Dolphin 18BC Pro
-Miscellaneous boats
“Praise the lord and pass the ammunition” -Howell Forgy

I don’t know if this will work as well in Charleston as it did/does in Atlanta, but if it does you can buy close to town at a reasonable price and get higher-than-average appreciation. Don’t laugh or sneer, because I am being dead serious, but the idea is to buy in the neighborhoods where the “gay pioneers” are buying.

In Atlanta, gay man-couples were usually the first to go into rough neighborhoods (hence the term pioneers) close to town and buy houses and fix them up. Think about it: 2 incomes and usually at least one of the two guys had some construction skills and probably both of them had a flair for design and decor. So they’d buy a dump for cheap, gut it and renovate it. When 2 or 3 houses in a neighborhood got renovated, the property values started increasing. Yuppies that were sick of commuting from the suburbs then joined in and pretty soon the old neighborhood was pretty nice.

The trick is to get in before it’s nice. If you wait until the neighborhood is in demand, then you will pay much higher prices. Just a thought. Again, I don’t know if this works the same way in Charleston or not, but something to consider.

If you’re lucky enough to be fishing, you’re lucky enough.

Sounds like you are being smart Andy, looking for something you can afford NOW. Too many people buy houses out of their price range figuring their income will increase and they’ll be better able to afford it in the future. Our first house was about half the cost of what we could actually afford and the house we are in now (we built) was well below what we could afford at the tie. Because of that, we have never struggled to make a house payment and will have our house paid off in another 2.5 years.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

where are the future in laws on all this? if princess wants to live in MTP, they need to be stepping on up, yo

^^^^^^^^^^^What Andy said ^^^^^^^^^^
and I took p-k comment as implyed derogatory twords Andys to be !!
No call for that:roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:


When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown


Trust your gut. You’ll make the right decision for your situation. It isn’t hard or “scary” to buy. If it ends up being not what you want in 5 years… Well, you won’t loose out and may bank a few bucks…

Trust yourself with the input of these guyz. HOWEVER, trust yourself!!!


Originally posted by andyb

Future inlaws have no business being involved with this purchase. IMO, if you’re still being reliant on your parents to buy you a house at 27, you’re not ready to handle owning a home.

That’s a ridiculous and shortsighted statement. What’s wrong with parents helping their kids get a start buying a home? IMO that is one of the most important and nicest things parents can do (if they have the resources) to help young families get off the ground.

Wrong , wrong, wrong, teach your kids to be self reliant in all they
persue , want and need! Most all young kids today have no idea of having to wait or work for their needs and the gov. is contributing
to this dependence. Parents need to instill the art of survival in their kids by educating them and setting examples…
Go by any high school and the parking lot is FULL of mostly new
autos that you know had to be provided by parents (insurance and fuel)
Paying their kids bills only instills a sense of entitlement and instant self gratification , and when they don’t have any appreciation
for hard work they don’t appreciate what others (parents) do provide them.
I raised three , 2 boys and a girl, they grew up ,worked for their cars and spending money , if they didn’t earn it they didn’t get it.
Each has their own homes, cars ,ect ,ect. No illigetiment grands, none use drugs , and neither OWES Dad!!!
This post supports my other entry on this forum about;; (I am one )

Agree or not but I believe they ‘kids’ are a product of their raising!!![:0][:0][:0][:0]


When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown

Originally posted by gail wins

Wrong , wrong, wrong, teach your kids to be self reliant in all they persue, want and need! Most all young kids today have no idea of having to wait or work for their needs. Parents need to instill the art of survival in their kids by educating them and setting examples. Paying their kids bills only instills a sense of entitlement and instant self gratification, and when they don’t have any appreciation for hard work they don’t appreciate what others (parents) do provide them.

That’s amazing that you would make that broad of a statement to encompass people you don’t know, situations you aren’t aware of, and society in general.

Let me pose you this - Did you put your kids through college or make them wait until they could pay their own way, “so they would be more self reliant and appreciative of a college education?”