Hooking live shrimp

What is the best way to hook a live shrimp for a) presentation; b) staying on throughout the biting/hooking process; c) keping the shrimp alive for a least a couple of casts. Thanks.

Thruogh the head from one side and out the other, missing all the black stuff(brains) in the process is my fav way. If you get short-strikes, hook them across the body/tail just behind the head.
Also can thread a small hook in from the end of tail partway into the
meat and out the side, but you’ll be pulling them in backwards between casts, so they won’t last as long.
Lastly, make a smooth cast so as not to yank on 'em too much.

  1. switch your reel from mono to braid. I cast live shrimp either freelined or with a single splitshot using 20 # Power Pro. Gentle cast that goes a long way.

a. under the horn like SaltHunter said
b. through the midsection w/ a 1/0 or 2/0 circle
c. through the tail

There is nothing - absolutely nothing- half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats. Kenneth Grahame

The other day we put the shrimp under a cork with no weight on a 1/0 owner hook. I start out putting the point of the hook through some of the hard shell on the head then out the beginning of the meat. Cast way up the bank and let the current take the bait right down the grass. If you don’t get any bites in a couple of drifts you might as well move.

If I’m fishing with a float I hook them thru the head just in front of the brain. If I am bottom fishing I will hook them about a 1/2" up from the tail missing the vein.

i have some others but cant find them.



here is one i have too





I believe it is the white shrimp that I catch the most.

Between the eyes and the brain, like everyone is pointing out, there is a “V” shaped mark on the sides of their head. Just put the hook through that V. It’s not a dark mark at all, but it’s there. That’s what I always use.

2003 Sea Pro 220
“Reelly Blessed”</font id=“blue”>
2002 Yamaha 250 OX66

One additional way when using a jig-head, insert hook from underneath the head up through and out of the top, and rides real nice for the bottom or working it in the water column.

Thanks for all the advice. Tried all methods on Sunday, good results on all. See my report “Sunday Sharks”. Shrimp are plentiful and quite large in my creek at this time.