Hospitality Tax

do we have one? why if we are at the top of all the places to visit??

why??? if you are a top place to visit, people are gonna show up anyhow. Might as well throw an extra little tax on top.

You should be able to show a state ID to prove you are a resident to be exempted. Tax the tourists, they’ll come anyway.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”.

What is the hospitality tax used for? I will guarantee that it is not used to offset a current tax, like property tax. The “Oh well, it’s not me…tax away” mentality is exactly what they want you to have. Just remember, it is extremely difficult to rescind a tax once implemented.

Let the business owner dictate the market value for the item or service provided. If a sand dollar necklace is worth 1$ more because it is purchased at the beach, so be it. That established business will recirculate that dollar more effectively than any bureaucracy will.

Just my opinion.

Hydra-Sports 22 Bay Sport
225 Rude

Originally posted by MattR

What is the hospitality tax used for? I will guarantee that it is not used to offset a current tax, like property tax. The “Oh well, it’s not me…tax away” mentality is exactly what they want you to have. Just remember, it is extremely difficult to rescind a tax once implemented.

Let the business owner dictate the market value for the item or service provided. If a sand dollar necklace is worth 1$ more because it is purchased at the beach, so be it. That established business will recirculate that dollar more effectively than any bureaucracy will.

Just my opinion.

Hydra-Sports 22 Bay Sport
225 Rude


State law requires the expenditures to be for tourism related expenses, but most, if not all, of the allowed types of expenditures are on things that the local jurisdiction may chose to spend property tax money on in the absence of other funding mechanisms. Therefore, these revenues do offset property taxes, to an extent, and locals do benefit from the expenditures. Tourism is big business in S.C. Many studies have been done on the economic impact of tourism, including the associated tax revenues. The theory with this tax was to generate more economic activity based on reinvestment into this sector of our economy. Kind of the opposite of what’s happened in our tax law with regards to some other sectors of our economy. Makes you wonder…

?6-1-730. Use of revenue from local hospitality tax.
(A) The revenue generated by the hospitality tax must be used exclusively for the following
(1) tourism-related buildings including, but not limited to, civic centers, coliseums,
and aquariums;
(2) tourism-related cultural, recreational, or historic facilities;
(3) beach access and renourishment;
(4) highways, roads, streets, and bridges providing access to tourist destinations;
(5) advertisements and promotions related to tourism development; or
(6) water and sewer infrastructure to serve tourism-related demand.

Originally posted by MattR

What is the hospitality tax used for? I will guarantee that it is not used to offset a current tax, like property tax. The “Oh well, it’s not me…tax away” mentality is exactly what they want you to have. Just remember, it is extremely difficult to rescind a tax once implemented.

Let the business owner dictate the market value for the item or service provided. If a sand dollar necklace is worth 1$ more because it is purchased at the beach, so be it. That established business will recirculate that dollar more effectively than any bureaucracy will.

Just my opinion.

Hydra-Sports 22 Bay Sport
225 Rude

You would be amazed at how many sand dollar sellers do not pay the tax revenues you think they would; nor do they reinvest much locally- except to sell more sand dollars perhaps. A lot of money goes out of the state and out of the country rather than back into it…

That was some of the reason for enacting the hospitality tax. Also, when enacted, it put an end to local jurisdictions having wildly varying %'s across the state. The Hosp. Sales Tax Act capped it, and it required the big business areas to pay into the pot and then redistribute some of their collected revenues to the counties trying to develop their fledgling tourism activity. That is how it got the votes to pass and why it likely won’t go anywhere.

Also, there is a board made up of government and tourism industry people who review the requests for all the expenditures of these tax revenues. Myrtle Beach was trying to spend the money on more law enforcement during special events, like some you may have heard more about this year in particular, and this review board stopped them and caused the city to have to spend (property) tax money fighting the review committee in court for almost 6 years ov