How does this happen?

rear end a car causing $7 grand in damage and bodily harm to driver,blow past a marked police cruiser doing 100mph,swerving over center line,unable to exit vehicle,unable to put truck in P,miserably fail field sobriety test,refuse breathylyzer test.

Sworn in as sheriff at undisclosed residence Sunday-Monday.

All the while the sober or slammer program is in effect.

You are innocent until proven guilty. Besides he wasn?t arrested by the corner so the arrest isnt any good. One would think the sheriff would have stepped down before being sworn in. Just goes to show you what kind of guy he really is.

A wise man once said “Do as I say not as I do” Good advice when I tell you that.

Good old boy system is alive and well in Berkeley County,that is a fact.

Google above the law,Wayne Dewitts picture pops up.

Originally posted by oops_lost

You are innocent until proven guilty. Besides he wasn?t arrested by the corner so the arrest isnt any good. One would think the sheriff would have stepped down before being sworn in. Just goes to show you what kind of guy he really is.

A wise man once said “Do as I say not as I do” Good advice when I tell you that.

Sorry if this pisses you off but for me to keep up w this thread you need to slow down and post what you meant to say…

By law the only person who can arrest the sheriff is the county cornor. The sheriff should have maned up and not been sworn in. I have no sympathy for drunk drivers. That is one crime that can be avoided with a simple phone call.

A wise man once said “Do as I say not as I do” Good advice when I tell you that.

According to people that should be familiar with the law, a state trooper can make an arrest of any person in the state.

Anyway, it’s interesting to see how this all plays out.

“You have the right to the pursuit of happiness. You do not have a guarantee that you shall have it.”

And it’s Coroner, not cornor!

Originally posted by Half-hitched

And it’s Coroner, not cornor!

Doesn’t that depend on where you are standing?

Originally posted by capehorn 16
Originally posted by Half-hitched

And it’s Coroner, not cornor!

Doesn’t that depend on where you are standing?

If you are standing on a “cornor” and get him and killed by a passing by vehicle, then the “coroner” will be seeing you soon. Does that help at all?

Thank you half hitched. Didnt get that in my 12 grade x2 education.

A wise man once said “Do as I say not as I do” Good advice when I tell you that.