How fast can you skin a deer???


07, 23 Key West, Twin 115 Yammys

“Coastal Bound”

Dang, I would have still been cutting around the legs as he was lopping off the head and rinsing.

Depends on who’s property I poached it on!:wink: Sellsfish needs to hire that guy if he can clean fish:smiley: That wasn’t King of the Pier, was it:question:

I need to try it like that…maybe get down to 15 minutes:smiley:.


07, 23 Key West, Twin 115 Yammys

“Coastal Bound”

He’s fast, but as to the skinning it was obviously blow with air before the camera started. The hide was mostly not attached to the muscle.

Good observation Cape!

It depends on which processor I’m going to. :slight_smile:

i 100% agree that was blasted with compressed air ive NEVER seen a hide peel off that easy from any deer although that is ridiculously fast. although i dont race the clock since i usually just take my time and do it right id say i have the art down pretty well. field dressing: 5-7 minutes, skinning/quartering: 15-20 minutes once hung up. of course longer if im passing the skill down to first timers, those considering starting hunting, or those who want to try it to say they know how to clean their own food if need be.

i told my wife as soon as i saw that thing on facebook that he had hit it with air. that makes a huge difference. Dont believe that try a hog without doing it!