How I Became A Homeschooling Dad

For decades, I had a traditional notion of how a Christian family should work: mom at home caring for the children, and dad at work bringing home the bacon. Like a lot of men of faith, I claimed that family was my highest priority, but my self-worth was wrapped up too strongly in my job. I had worked hard to earn a job on the Math faculty of a prominent institution, and I was proud of it. (Pride is a sin.) At the same time, I under appreciated my wife’s abilities to contribute to her profession. With a PhD from a top ten school, she has as many scientific publications as I do and nearly twice the citations. Yet most of her time was spent caring for and home schooling our children while also spending 20 hours a week working from home in our scientific consulting business.

As our children approached high school, it became clear that the landscape was quickly changing in our adopted home state out west…
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Faith-based convictions do play a role in many parents’ motivations to home school. But the moral decay, destructive behaviors, and lack of academic rigor are also important motivators for many parents.

The SC average ACT score is 20.4. Having had many students with an ACT score below 24 in my college physics and math courses, I can tell you that these students are really not prepared for college and extremely unlikely to succeed in any major requiring decent proficiency in science or math.

“Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!" - The Messiah

you are a college professor?

Man…Don’t we have a religion section?? This is an agenda for this guy.

Originally posted by poly ball

you are a college professor?

I was a college prof for about a decade before leaving to become a homeschooling dad.

“Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!" - The Messiah

Originally posted by Redstripe

Man…Don’t we have a religion section?? This is an agenda for this guy.

Fishing is the agenda. Homeschooling and prayer are mere means to an end.

“Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!" - The Messiah

“Be careful that you do not practice your religion in front of people to draw their attention. If you do you will have no reward” :smiley: God Bless you Littledrummerboy. My favorite Christmas song by the way:smiley:

Originally posted by runbabyrun

“Be careful that you do not practice your religion in front of people to draw their attention. If you do you will have no reward” :smiley: God Bless you Littledrummerboy. My favorite Christmas song by the way:smiley:

That's taken out of context... Practicing religion with no other purpose other than to impress other people is not a true faith... The Pharisees where known for this. They like being pharisees, NOT because it made them closer to God, but because it exalted them in a higher position, gave them access to parties, banquets, special recognition, etc. In other words, many times it was nothing more than a business for them... They were doing it to honor themselves, not to honor God.

Wearing your true faith on your sleeve with the intent to win other people over to Christ is completely different…

Dang, fussed at by Skinneej again. I guess I’m trying to understand Littledrummer boy’s intentions of his postings. Is it to spread the word of God or is it for self gain. He only can answer that. You will have to admit Skinneej, I was much nicer this time. I do admit, I wrongfully have some skepticism towards religious authority, and should not treat the hand of one ,to be the hand of all. I know both of you are much smarter than I am, but that doesnt mean I don’t have an opinion, even if it’s wrong. :roll_eyes: Here comes my azz whooping.

Originally posted by runbabyrun

Dang, fussed at by Skinneej again. I guess I’m trying to understand Littledrummer boy’s intentions of his postings. Is it to spread the word of God or is it for self gain. He only can answer that. You will have to admit Skinneej, I was much nicer this time. I do admit, I wrongfully have some skepticism towards religious authority, and should not treat the hand of one ,to be the hand of all. I know both of you are much smarter than I am, but that doesnt mean I don’t have an opinion, even if it’s wrong. :roll_eyes: Here comes my azz whooping.

No azs whoopin here... I didn't think you were harsh. I only thought you were incorrect. When I see a mis-application of a verse like this, it's just hard to walk away from. And you SHOULD have suspicion of people speaking from Biblical authority. Actual the Bible commands it! Any biblical "teaching" should be "fact checked" against the Bible to see if it holds merit. Absolutely nothing wrong with that. If anything it's probably HEALTHY to do this...

As far as what LDB’s intentions are? I have no idea. I just know that some people find great excitement talking\learning about these things. When I was younger, I found church boring and dull… Now that I have actually started to study (not just read, but study and understand) the Bible, I actually find church incredibly interesting. I actually LOVE going now, and if I don’t go for 2 weeks it feels like an eternity and I feel like I have “missed out” on something.

Anyway, if you ever have any question, PM me. I would be happy to share any knowledge that God has given me. I am NOT a teacher. I am a student that can share with you what I have read.

Hope you don’t find my response chastising or condescending. It’s not meant to be. It’s just meant to be a discussion…

Thats the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me on this forum. I am admittedly a very confused person when it comes to religion. I love God, but have serious reservations about the church. From the colossal Cathedrals, to allowing paedophilia to occur, to covering it up. I have seen many things occur in my family that are unacceptable from people that claim to be righteous. Children written out of wills because they are adopted, and elders not wanting one of my siblings to bring forth things that occurred to them because it would tarnish their reputation and high standing in the church. The sibling was then cast out and after years of isolation has been allowed to join the family again. The courts agreed that my sibling was one of dozens that were harmed. I know none of this should effect how I feel about religious authority, and I am wrong. Apologies Littledrummerboy. Thank you for your post Mr. Skinneej. I have purged.

Originally posted by runbabyrun

Thats the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me on this forum. I am admittedly a very confused person when it comes to religion. I love God, but have serious reservations about the church. From the colossal Cathedrals, to allowing paedophilia to occur, to covering it up. I have seen many things occur in my family that are unacceptable from people that claim to be righteous. Children written out of wills because they are adopted, and elders not wanting one of my siblings to bring forth things that occurred to them because it would tarnish their reputation and high standing in the church. The sibling was then cast out and after years of isolation has been allowed to join the family again. The courts agreed that my sibling was one of dozens that were harmed. I know none of this should effect how I feel about religious authority, and I am wrong. Apologies Littledrummerboy. Thank you for your post Mr. Skinneej. I have purged.

I recommend PMing Skinneej. He is an excellent representation of what it is to be a real Christian. The fact you are willing to listen, makes you objective. Don’t let the past, dictate your future.

I do not care for Church personally. That’s just me. Christianity is a one size fits all when it comes to accepting Christ as your saviour. As long as you believe, and back up your convictions with honest effort, then you have fulfilled the requirements. Churches are nice, but I tend to be like you in that I have also been skeptical…

This comes from a son of a Church pipe organ player of over 40 years in ColaTown and surrounding areas. Seen many fancy venues, but the best I have ever been to was sunrise service on the banks of Lake Wateree on Easter Sunday wearing nothing but a bathing suit and life jacket…

Christ isn’t complicate

I’m not a big fan of organized religion. I’ve often pointed out to friends and family that there are many times when the persecutors of people of faith are purported “Christians.” If the Bible didn’t say not to forsake going to church, I expect I would have stopped years ago.

But I love the Lord Jesus, and I love Scripture. Of this I am sure, he died for my sins and God raised him from the dead.

He helps me catch fish, and he helps me raise my children. That is why I am sure he is alive. How could a dead man help me?

“Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!" - The Messiah