How little we know people!

Seems most of our Actors have commited many crimes that often get looked over.

How about “good old” Bill Cosby? He needs to fry for what he has done over the years. Unfortunately since he lied so convincingly on screen about how good a roll model he was nobody wants to do anything to him. It’s really a shame.

“Why Bruce?”

Never heard of him but, I have little use for anyone/anything that comes out of Hollyweird.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

That’s rough Easy. Sorry for your friends family.

1979 17’ Montauk
90 Johnson

Wilderness Ride 115

not sure if he’s exactly from Hollywood?

William Michale Hayden (born June 24, 1965)[1] is a former American gunsmith, television personality, U.S. Marine and gun shop owner. He is best known as the star of the 2011–2014 Discovery Channel reality series Sons of Guns. He was convicted of sex crimes in April and July 2017 and received three life sentences.

Hayden was born in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and is partly of Choctaw descent.[2] From an early age, he was a firearms enthusiast, and often read about weapons and warfare.[2]

Originally posted by poly ball

not sure if he’s exactly from Hollywood?

William Michale Hayden (born June 24, 1965)[1] is a former American gunsmith, television personality, U.S. Marine and gun shop owner. He is best known as the star of the 2011–2014 Discovery Channel reality series Sons of Guns. He was convicted of sex crimes in April and July 2017 and received three life sentences.

Hayden was born in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and is partly of Choctaw descent.[2] From an early age, he was a firearms enthusiast, and often read about weapons and warfare.[2]

I think the Hollywood reference is a broad paint stroke for any one involved in t.v. / movies. Most actors are not from Hollywood but get classified as such. And as they gain fame seems a lot make California there home.

No matter I think any kid toucher deserves death. Shame you, me and the rest of the tax payers will have to pay to feed and shelter him and his kind. If he lives another 20 years we’ll have put a million $ in his care. That is if he doesn’t have medical issues and that amount could easily multiply by 10 fold.

“Why Bruce?”

Ya know, I used to watch that TV show and never would have thought that about him!:face_with_head_bandage: His daughter, who was on the show, at first came out defending him!:question::question::question::question: Geronimo, I’ll let your lame attempt at humor pass!

Originally posted by Easy

Ya know, I used to watch that TV show and never would have thought that about him!:face_with_head_bandage: His daughter, who was on the show, at first came oout defending him!:question::question::question::question: Geronimo, I’ll let your lame attempt at humor pass!

I agree. I used to love that show. He seemed so honorable (for lack of a better word). Just goes to show I guess... What a POS.

His daughters were his victims. Piece of **** needs to burn in hell.

'06 Mckee Craft
184 Marathon
DF140 Suzuki

I watched that show. Never liked him or his attitude. Treated everyone around him like dirt. I felt his daughter was being protected by her boyfriend, now husband. They separated themselves from him. Now I see why he couldn’t keep any employees around either. I like the show but never did like him.