How many years married for everyone?

How many years you guys on? Do you have a special thing you like to do? We have been married 28 years and have always made it to the water and our destination has always been Morgan Island. Been very fortunate most times on weather, did have one scary ride back in a glitter boat with huge waves and lightning everywhere. Most recently it’s been hit and miss on seeing monkeys. Yesterday we did see one. I’ve been told early morning is the time to see them. All you used to see was a couple of guides fishing by the dock if anyone. Now it can get pretty crowed on the weekends. Finally spotted a lone monkey in a tree. Told another group with a boat load of kids on board and it was great to see their excitement.

If anyone goes there from Edisto side, watch the weather because that sound can get nasty Quick.

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That’s awesome!
Married 16 years. Many up and downs. 2 kids, one a teenager. We literally enjoy the boat and salt water together as our weekly therapy. it’s quality time well spent. even if we just cruise together in the evenings after the heat of the day is so nice. Fish or no fish, It gets us away from the hustle and bustle of the week and kids sports, camps, school, ALL OF IT.
I’ve heard Morgan island is pretty cool. A friend of mine goes there frequently. we may do the same when we make our boat ride to beaufort.

31 years October coming.
2 boys,1 18,1 14.
We’ve had our ups and downs but we still together, not always happy, but in love with each other.


Oh hell I don’t know…

The wife always talks about taking a trip and seeing the monkeys. When it cools off maybe we make a weekend of it.

58 years, and I am still in love, hope she is too, ha ha.

Two boys 52 and 49, 3 Grands, well blessed, living the dream of a happy family loving one another.

Looking forward to many more years!!!


That’s longer than I’ve been alive!! Awesome!!


THAT’S WHY I know so much about the Dimwits party, also why it’s good to listen to elders, been there, done that, got the t-shirt, ha ha.

Real pleasure knowing you through this site Fred, hope to meet you face to face someday, be 80 in a couple weeks, who knows???

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Married 33 years, dated 7 so, we’ve been together 40 years. Not sure why she has stayed with me but, now she says she has too much time in me to start over. That’s good for me. She loves being on the water so I gotta do better about getting her down there out on the boat.

She gave me 2 boys 26 & 20 that I surely do not deserve. They’re smart like their mother so they’ll do well. I’m a very lucky man.

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Fellar died and went to hell, Satan began telling him all the things he would be doing to him to make his eternal life worse then anything he’d experienced during his life on earth. The fellar never broke a sweat or showed any fear so ever which greatly upset Satan. Finally after being unable to make the fellar cower the Devil says, “I don’t instill any fear in you at all do I, boy!” The fellar looked Into Satan’s fiery eyes and replied, “Nope, been married to your sister for the last 13 years.”

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Broke up with my girlfriend & asked her on a Friday morning if she wanted to go out that night. She said no so I said what about tomorrow? She said I guess so.
Knew each other for a year, dated 5, married 17. She gave me 2 great kids & the best times of my life, at least the ones I can remember.
Not a day goes by she doesn’t threaten to beat me & not a day goes by I don’t try to aggervate her more than the day before.
What more can you ask for.
And she loves to fish.

I thank the Lord everyday for my wife.
There’s no telling where I would be in life without her. I assure you I’m a handful. She is extremely strong-willed and kind-hearted. And a great cook.
We have 2 daughters . We have 9 grandchildren. No we have 10 grandchildren we have a step granddaughter. The oldest has the 8.
I think they finally figured out where babies come from. We lost our youngest about 5 years ago.

She loves to fish. And she’s not a fairweather fisherman. The boat not going to leave the yard without her.
She’s also into shooting. She has her own little arsenal. & It should be obvious how she feels about motorcycles.

She has a form of blood cancer she’s been battling for years. She has to have chemo every month . No matter how bad she’s feeling she Powers through and is there for us.

Easy Rider. Lord willing the wife and I will be walking in your shoes.

I don’t understand but it’s not my place to question why the Lord blessed me with such a wonderful woman.

80 is the new 60 now a days! Hope your golden years are going well!!!

34 years for me. I was in the ninth grade and she was in the seventh when we first started “ going together”. She was a jr high cheerleader and I thought she looked like Kristy McNichol.

She graduated Salutatorian of our high school. She was the first Female president of FFA. She was The student body president. She was the Prom Queen.
She was very kind to everyone/every student.

I skipped a lot of school. I ran trap lines so I was always tardy for typing my first year. She was in her class across the quart yard and she would shake her finger at me when I finally got to class.
I got a “B” anyway because I had a really cool typing teacher who liked me - and I could only type 18 words a minute with three mistakes.

We would talk on the party line until her neighbor would finally get on the line and ask us to please wrap it up because she needed to make a call.

I always say Forrest Gump had nothing on me!
I wore those leg braces but with corrective shoes. I had to wear a patch on my right eye for a year to try to correct my lazy eye on the left. Then horn rimmed glasses that were usually taped in the middle from breaking them. I had to go to speech class in my early years because I had a lisp.

But, I made her laugh. I still do that. Three kids and five grands.

Most importantly, She usually outfishes me! And secretly I love that about her.


awesome story

Dang, so far it looks like we’re a pretty lucky bunch of guys.