How to trust our media and it's many lies.

Originally posted by Richard Beer Froth

Most don’t get they are supporting by just viewing… SJ, you beez a smart man…:smiley:


Basically, what you are saying is that each time someone watches CNN, Cooper gets more money to buy lube with? Does that about sum it up?
Originally posted by skinneej

I don’t watch the news. Governor said evacuate, and we evacuated. I like to keep it really simple. Keeps me from having to learn a new trade of meteorology. I swear, I don’t know how you guys find the time to be hurricane experts.

I’m not knocking the evacuation order or attempting to be a hurricane expert. I just hate people lieing and praying on so many in our country believing them.

I am much like yourself other than I like to watch a little news while drinking my morning coffee. I too have Amazon prime but prefer net flix when I do decide to watch tv.

My intention of this post was not limited to Florence, but rather to all the fake news being generated today and so many believing it. My parents did not want to believe me because they are so trusting. I would assume you would not be so gullible as well many on this sight. Unfortunately the main stream media has many that believe all told to them. I think something needs to be done and this is kind of my starting place.

Originally posted by skinneej
Originally posted by Richard Beer Froth

Most don’t get they are supporting by just viewing… SJ, you beez a smart man…:smiley:


Basically, what you are saying is that each time someone watches CNN, Cooper gets more money to buy lube with? Does that about sum it up?

In all fairness, those skinneejeans he wears don’t look too easy to slip into…:wink:


Exactly. I use NWS, but it’s about the same as NOAA. Just the facts, no hype.

Originally posted by Optiker

Go to the source. NOAA Hurricane Center.

There are also two people I follow on FB that are ‘no BS’… Trevor Gibbs and Shea Gibson both local guys

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“You don’t have a soul. You are a soul. You have a body.” - C.S. Lewis

Originally posted by 7cs
Originally posted by natureboy

I really appreciate this post Robbie! Who ever thought that there would be “spinning of the weather”(LOL). Its not just the weather channel, but our local stations are just as guilty. When the governors office contacts a local media outlet and asks that they exaggerate the situation to encourage evacuations , the answer should be a resounding NO!! . They should be honest and only report the truth! You are very correct Robbie, It is a shame .

I’m curious how you know this. If you can show evidence, please do. I’m not a McMaster fan, but I believe in being fair.

Try living next door to a TV reporter for a few years.

Name him or her.

Originally posted by 7cs

Name him or her.

I cant do that! I would be violating a confidence.

Of course, the famous “secret source”

“Another poon dream splintered on the rocks of reality.” --Peepod 07-25-2017

Originally posted by 23Sailfish

Of course, the famous “secret source”

“Another poon dream splintered on the rocks of reality.” --Peepod 07-25-2017

Look - rat out your neighbor all you want. I'm not going to do it! Its not one reporter that's at fault- its the system

I for one, thought that the evacuation was a prudent call. I do feel that all the spaghetti models being shown on the news and weather had most people confused. I followed Weather underground and they only showed two tracks. The first hitting Charleston and then, 36 hours later, Wilmington.
9/8/18 had Charleston in the cross hairs. When it finally showed Wilmington, I relaxed.
The reporting was atrocious but they used local feeds as well as their own reporters.
News quit being news a long time ago.
31 deaths! How is that a lie?

Originally posted by quarterpound

I followed Weather Underground

Parent company; The Weather Company…as of 2012 owned by…

The Weather Channel :roll_eyes:

I never watch “national” news/weather channels or use their bloated apps. Way to much drama and crap stories.
If I want to know what the weather is like, or what it will be like. I’ll either go outside and look for myself or open one of the local channel apps and look at the radar for rain. As far as “news” I just check in with the Kardashians. If they are okay, I am too.

S.C weather is pretty simple.

Winter? Cold, occasionally really cold. Probably not gonna rain but it can be wet. Snow? maybe not.

Spring? NICE! If you can stand the pollen. Rain Showers possible. could be dry though. Don’t fertilize your lawn until May!

Summer? Figgin’ Hot, most the time. Thunder storms?..yep. Hurrycanes? maybe.

Fall, my personal favorite. Very nice!!! Mostly dry air. Still might rain every now and then. Leaves gonna make a mess everywhere. The fishing gets good again.