How's everyone's garden for 2021?

The last of my Asparagus this year, I hate to see it go. The deer and me went about 50/50 this year. Next year I have a plan,

Plus, a bonus surprise for dinner last night. I love it when Holy City pals show up. So anyway here is two right back atcha’ 23. Mrs. Fisher wouldn’t let me shuck nor cook 'em inside, go figure.

And for what it’s worth, the Ace Basin really is the horn of plenty.

Thats all I got.
As You Were


“Another poon dream splintered on the rocks of reality.” --Peepod 07-25-2017

Squash, zucchini, and cucumbers just getting started



Anna apples

“Another poon dream splintered on the rocks of reality.” --Peepod 07-25-2017

Close proximity to the home garden, but I thought the Purple Martin House looked better here on the dock. We’ll see if the martins come, but they are supposed to eat up to 2,000 insects a day! I didn’t know this, but they are supposed to eat fire ants too. That would make my day if even half of my ants disappeared!

I have a time with the bugs in and around the garden and I don’t want to use chemicals on the stuff I plan on eating, so this is another way for pest control I suppose.

“Another poon dream splintered on the rocks of reality.” --Peepod 07-25-2017

Beautiful, peaceful looking dock. I share your disdain for chemical treatment on bugs. I do use a little Seven dust, but nothing else.

You might get some stragglers this year, scouts usually turn up late February to mid March. I had better luck with the fake plastic gourds than the Motel House. My mocking bird would take that over and run off the Martins.

I was raised up believing Purple martins were a magical Mosquito eater, found out later in life that after several studies on them very few were discovered to have eaten any mosquitos. Grasshopper, large bugs, bees, and dragonflies were main contents of stomach. For mosquitos Bats and Dragonflies are the best natural predator. I took down my martin houses about 10 years ago after watching the parents returning to feed babies and majority of theme were carrying dragonflies. I’ve actually been working on a Habitat for Dragonflies.

Summer garden about done, I’ll start again mid August. Some of my Okra came back after the deer attack, so maybe I’ll get a little bit of that. Kale and Collards have taken on that nasty flavor and smell from too much Sun and heat.

My neighbors CBD endeavor, He had to jump through hoops to get a license, hope it does well for him, but it seems the CBD oil market is getting pretty flooded.

Time to plant sweet potatoes now son. I just got my slips in the ground last week.Get on it! Haha

I’ve got a couple of Mammie potatoes with sprouts on em, but I don’t think I’m going to bother. Dang Deer have gone crazy eating everything. So bad I think I have my wife on board to thin a few out, as long as she doesn’t see any part of it. I’ll have to tell her the meat came from Pa’s Place.

Well the deer have found my stash. Some of my watermelons have survived and some have not.

What it should look like:

After Mrs. Doe:

Zucchini and squash coming along. These should blow up at any time now.

My Annas looking good still. I’d be happy eating this size, just waiting for them to turn red fully.

“Another poon dream splintered on the rocks of reality.” --Peepod 07-25-2017

The deer have officially eaten all 16 of my watermelon plants! The good news is that they apparently don’t like pumpkin leaves. I ate my first apple this weekend off my tree and it was very satisfying. I’m looking forward to many more years of good fruit to come! I got my first good harvest off my cucumbers ( I was late planting this year), and the zucchini and squash are just starting up. I planted far less squash/zucchini this year as last year was overwhelming trying to give it all away because we could only eat so much.


Crooked neck squash



Anna apples

One of the last decent sunflowers in my stand

“Another poon dream splintered on the rocks of reality.” --Peepod 07-25-2017

You guys are 6 weeks ahead of me, the growing season in SC is like the horn of plenty down there.

If only your sports programs grew like that. Long Live Ray Tanner

ha, you said horn.

have been following this thread with little to report. some day i want to have a Fred-sized garden. my wife would be fine with some deer culling as a byproduct too, the family has outgrown my ability to hunt public land.

my carrots and beets got knobby and kind of stunted this year. i had so many intervals of planting that I never turned over and added to the soil, and I couldn’t mulch in most places either.

onions did well, just yanked the last of the “intermediate day” and will finish curing them, last year our stash lasted till Thanksgiving.

cukes were a total bust, got one quart of pickles before they yellowed out and quit. again, I know I should’ve added to last year’s soil, but the tomatoes and peppers seem ok in it. I got a yard of garden soil over the weekend and am turning over/building up one of my beds this week for more summer stuff.

gonna try another round of pole beans on the cuke trellis, the kentucky wonders on another fence have been great and my BIL is doing a purple stringless that looks promising so I grabbed a handful of his seeds.

his berries, not mine. been eating gallons, today he is picking, pressing and adding to another mead he’s making with all his extra honey. sampled a batch yesterday, it is going to come out strong.

Nice! Those dang horned worms will strip a tomato bush in no time. Crazy how they camouflage in so well. For me and the wife we look for their poop and if we see any ( black little pellets) we challenge each other to find the worms. Once you see the first one they start sticking out. Her laying hens love em.

I didn’t get started until the 1st week of June, we had a heavy frost the 29th of May.

Anyway, better late than never. Here’s where I am so far on the hobby garden

Squash and Zukes

Red Potatoes. They flowered this week, can start to gravel some babbies soon.

Asparagus that bolted now, very few eatable stalks left

Raspberries will be turning in the next week or so

Rhubarb. It looks rough because I dug and split it 4 ways a few weeks ago, but it will come on strong soon

Some corn planted last week and some planted 3 weeks ago. I’ll put pole beans in the new corn next week

Stonehead Cabbage and Butter Beans

Flat Dutch cabbage and mixed hot peppers

Tomatoes, more peppers, and cauliflower

Red Onions


I have some more stuff, but this picture posting and resizing has gotten the better of me for now.

We need some rain and I need to till and hoe tomorrow. Its 60/40 as of now.

As You Were

That’s a dang nice “hobby garden.”

“Another poon dream splintered on the rocks of reality.” --Peepod 07-25-2017

My pumpkins just started to run.

Anna’s are ripening now. I eat one just about every time I go check on the tree.

Eating good. For whatever reason, my cucumbers are doing very well this season.

“Another poon dream splintered on the rocks of reality.” --Peepod 07-25-2017

Edisto Fisher… that’s a bit more than just a hobby garden. :smiley:

You gotta be upstate to have any rhubarb like that. I’ve tried for years, it does great until we hit the hot sunny months. The Wife now keeps it in a big pot and puts it under the carport in the summer. I love me some strawberry rhubarb pie! Was up in New Hampshire last year and that stuff is everywhere.

Garden Update Star-Date 19july20211600EST

Pole Beans in the late corn jumped in the past couple of days

Bambi gonna get her feelings hurt soon

Squash & Zukes coming hard and fast now

Sweet peas looking like that this time of year??? hmmmm… You sure you in S.C.?

Very nice. My wife makes a Killer Strawberry rhubarb pie.

That’s some fine fine work there.

“Another poon dream splintered on the rocks of reality.” --Peepod 07-25-2017

It looks like you should be able to survive pretty well if SHF. You’ll have plenty to eat. The only thing you need to worry about is toilet paper…

I kind of almost like rhubarb pie
I believe the strawberries would be a game changer.

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