
Is it just me or does it look like Beaufort is gonna get the big blow?

This guy breaks it down in easy to understand terms. We also have our resident Bonzo, who I cannot believe has not commented on this storm yet. He is probably on the phone with Cantore as we speak.

NOOOOOOOOOO, I have to go on 12 hour shifts if it comes anywhere near us.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

If Beaufort is where they say it will hit, then it usually doesn’t make landfall there. It will be north of that. Between Chas and Wilmington. History shows it veers a little as it gets near land. I am one of the oldest members here and that’s what has happened in the past.They first thought Hugo was aimed directly at Savannah. They ordered an evacuation. As we know it hit here.

22 Sea Hunt

Cantore says Hispanola will pretty much tear the storm apart (next 24hrs will know more)…remnants move over Florida and we get a little wind and some rain mid-next week…that being said Big Bonzo and I are bringing the trailers to the house just in case!

The Morris Island Lighthouse

Don’t forget to push the legs of your deer feeders in really deep so they don’t blow over.

First, Most, Biggest