I am thankful for you

hope you all have a great, safe and festive Thanksgiving week…thank you for adding all that you do to this site, and for making it an enjoyable part of my life…I have made some really good friends from here, and I hope to continue to do so…thank you…

The Morris Island Lighthouse www.savethelight.org

Yeah, the same as I feel for the most of you! But Bonzo, I hat you:wink::smiley:

Aye! Don’t burn the house down folks. Have a good one. Safe hunting too!

First, Most, Biggest

hope you all have a great, safe and festive Thanksgiving week...thank you for adding all that you do to this site, and for making it an enjoyable part of my life...I have made some really good friends from here, and I hope to continue to do so...thank you...

Could you be a little more specific. I mean surely you don’t mean…well, you know.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

Thank you,Sir!:smiley:

Key West 1720 115 HP Johnson Saltwater.

I’m with Easy on this one

-wishes Macdaddy would come home

Originally posted by DFreedom
hope you all have a great, safe and festive Thanksgiving week...thank you for adding all that you do to this site, and for making it an enjoyable part of my life...I have made some really good friends from here, and I hope to continue to do so...thank you...

Could you be a little more specific. I mean surely you don’t mean…well, you know.

yes, I admit it, 23 and I are good friends…there I said it…

The Morris Island Lighthouse www.savethelight.org

Talk about pulling teeth[:0]

I feel the same way about all of you turkeys…oops…I mean friends!
Have a Blessed and Safe Thanksgiving…and if you know of someone who has no family…perhaps some seniors nearby who are alone…drop a little hot meal or dessert off to them. :slight_smile:

miss’n fish’n

Sea Squirt 16

Okay, now that we’re getting all sappy, I too have made friends, learned a lot and probably spent too much time on CF. Wishing all (even you mean tater fans) safe travels during the holidays.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

Great post Bonzo.

I’ve met some great friends here, and unfortunately lost some too. I’m most thankful for having met Duckcommander from CF.com and developed a friendship with him. Eryc was one of those few people you happen to stumble upon and wonder how you ever lived without his friendship and love for the outdoors. His enthusiasm and passion for life is truly what I strive to replicate. He was one of a kind. I’m a better man today for having known him.

Thank you CF.com


Bonzo, don’t know you, never met you, but thanks!! Hope you have a great Thanksgiving as well!

Don’t do facebook, so this is kind of my go to sight. You are right, lots of good people here!

I am thankful that rbf mostly stays in the politics forum

-wishes Macdaddy would come home

Originally posted by PeaPod

I am thankful that rbf mostly stays in the politics forum

-wishes Macdaddy would come home

Don’t we all wish he just stayed in there!!

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!! Please be safe, especially if you plan to travel. It is not safe to eat and drive, get a nap and sleep it off first!!

“Kleenex, The Official Sponsor of Fishb8”

Originally posted by PeaPod

I am thankful that rbf mostly stays in the politics forum

-wishes Macdaddy would come home

Everyone should also be thankful he doesn’t follow them around like he does me…

Just watch, as soon as he sees me posting over here…he will be right behind me… Very strange indeed…

Originally posted by Richard Beer Froth
Originally posted by PeaPod

I am thankful that rbf mostly stays in the politics forum

-wishes Macdaddy would come home

Everyone should also be thankful he doesn’t follow them around like he does me…

Just watch, as soon as he sees me posting over here…he will be right behind me… Very strange indeed…

Go away.


I love all of you…and hope you all have a wonderful, safe and Blessed Thanksgiving.
Family, friends , pets , time spent together , memories made…and your health…the true Blessings in life. Always know that and be Thankful for it.

Happy Thanksgiving All… from Penny Donnie Roo and the “yard cat” :slight_smile:

miss’n fish’n

Sea Squirt 16

Originally posted by 23Sailfish
Originally posted by Richard Beer Froth
Originally posted by PeaPod

I am thankful that rbf mostly stays in the politics forum

-wishes Macdaddy would come home

Everyone should also be thankful he doesn’t follow them around like he does me…

Just watch, as soon as he sees me posting over here…he will be right behind me… Very strange indeed…

Go away.


Hatters gonna hat…


I’m thankful I found this site 8 years ago. I’ve managed to meet several fine folks over the yrs., and am looking forward to meeting more of you in the future.

Although, with some of the stuff that’s posted, there are a few that kind of creep me out sometimes.:smiley: And no, I will not mention any names.

Bob Van Gundy
Marine Designs,Inc.
Custom Aluminum Fabrication

Originally posted by Happy Bob

I’m thankful I found this site 8 years ago. I’ve managed to meet several fine folks over the yrs., and am looking forward to meeting more of you in the future.

Although, with some of the stuff that’s posted, there are a few that kind of creep me out sometimes.:smiley: And no, I will not mention any names.

</font id=“quote”></blockquote id=“quote”>

like rubbing a weiner or something? :smiley:

The Morris Island Lighthouse www.savethelight.org