I Didn't Know This About Alabama Bass

Who moves an exotic fish species to an endemic lake anyway?

Is this a thing in SC?

Sure is! Spotted Bass have ruined the Largemouth fishing on Hartwell.

While buying some Herring a while back, I had a DNR, Game Warden, tell me, if I wasn’t going to keep them, to throw every one I catch on the bank!

No Crap…

I wonder if he would site me for being over the limit, though, if I had a live well full, to throw out later??

They do eat good, though.

Think they’ll live in a pond?

I would think so. Largemouth tend to do pretty well in a pond.

How do they know it’s anglers doing it and not just a natural occurance like being transported by birds?

Good question 23
I don’t trust them g men either
I believe that your kin is from Berkeley County now

Lol, some of my kinfolk is indeed. Boneau, Monkeys Corner, and very much under the lake. I got an old map that shows family land way back before the lakes. Kinda cool to go fish on top of where my ancestors farmed.