I got to thinking

Not sure how many people look a Charleston water keeper, but I do if i think we may go swim or whatever. usually this much rain and runoff and the only thing in the green or yellow which means it is safe to swim due to minimal bacteria or harmful crap in the water is the beaches.
That being said, every time I go fishing, nasty or not I put the weight of the cast net in my mouth. The water today was nasty and muddy etc… I hope I don’t grow an extra leg or ear. I think I need to practice throwing like my cousin. he throws pancakes without holding weight in his mouth.
O’well, I’m sure I’ve put worse in my mouth over the years but I was thinking about that and got disgusted. :nauseated_face:

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That’s why they say you can’t harvest oysters and clams in Cherry Grove, Hog inlet the marsh the creek… Yeah that place.

You see the leftist now condemning eating animals in order to get rid of “factory farms” and start eating plants and bugs? The largest CFOs ( confined feeding operations) are cities. Where you think their poop ends up? Government is the largest polluters but propaganda enables them to project their failures on you. What happens to Fido’s dumps when they toss them?

I guess they end up in my mouth when I throw a cast net :face_vomiting:

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I ate a bug Saturday night for a dollar. Hammurred, we still have a few old homesteads that are exempt that dump septic straight into the marsh. Been doing it for a couple centuries. Just adds to your natural immune system strength. If you listen to the media you’ll be too scared to do anything, I believe in safety, but sometimes ya just gotta live. I’ve watched a video the other day of a lady letting the dog lick her infants mouth and face and make the baby laugh, I’m sure that dog just licked it’s butt. But hey, building that babies immune system!

Probably cleaner than the Covid Vaxx!.. :wink:

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