I have a snake in the house!

My wife would never go back in there[:0]

Had a baby garter snake get in the house last year and my wife went nuts. Two weeks later she opens the back door to check on the dog and a full grown 4 footer was curled up between storm door and back door. Slammed the door and almost killed herself trying to get out of the kitchen.

16’ Bonito 65 Johnson

Just watched that on the morning news. Crazy!! I’d have to burn the house and start fresh so the wife would sleep at night.

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

I’m with you Fred. I’d have to torch the house and sit out front with a shotgun to take out the ones that got away from the fire.

Could you imagine living over top of them[:0] Talk about, snakes on a plane :face_with_head_bandage:

Easy the wife last year hears scratching coming from the jacuzzi tub in the master bathroom. I opened up the side pannel to take a look. Full of rat poop, and snake skins. The plumbing installed had large holes around the pipes where the rats could crawl up straight under the tub in the master bathroom. The snakes could smell the rats and soon followed. Killed about 5-6 rats for a few weeks straight, and sealed her up. The wife didn’t enjoy the fact that she was brushing her teeth with a bunch of rats and snakes.:smiley:

Used to leave the back door cracked so the dogs could go outside while we were at work! Got a phone call from the cleaning lady, saying that there was a snake in the house! She was calling from the driveway! I told her to call 911. She called me back and said the fire company was there! I asked the fireman what kind of snake it was,(corn snake). I asked him to put on a big show about looking for any more. I told the cleaning lady to not tell the wife about it! It was going great, until we went to dinner about 3 months later with another couple from the neighborhood! They wanted to know why the ■■■■■■■■■ was at our house. Wife wanted to know as well. I told what happened and told her that I didn’t tell her because every time we came home, she would make me look under everything in the house. She didn’t think that was a good reason:smiley:

When I lived in Cuba, we would get giant geckos and boas in the house fairly often. We thought it was cool, not sure how my Mom stood it.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

Originally posted by Easy

Used to leave the back door cracked so the dogs could go outside while we were at work! Got a phone call from the cleaning lady, saying that there was a snake in the house! She was calling from the driveway! I told her to call 911. She called me back and said the fire company was there! I asked the fireman what kind of snake it was,(corn snake). I asked him to put on a big show about looking for any more. I told the cleaning lady to not tell the wife about it! It was going great, until we went to dinner about 3 months later with another couple from the neighborhood! They wanted to know why the ■■■■■■■■■ was at our house. Wife wanted to know as well. I told what happened and told her that I didn’t tell her because every time we came home, she would make me look under everything in the house. She didn’t think that was a good reason:smiley:

. You swear you called 911 for a snake in the house?

I didn’t call, the cleaning lady called! Fireman said they get called out all the time for snakes in houses.