I robot

Bought one yesterday! Does well with the dog hair. Need bigger bin. Have been following it tru the house jacking up furniture it gets stuck under. I found that cut in 1/4 wine bottle corks work well as jack plates. Thanks Skinnie, be sure to put in for your commision check!

Does it eat rug fringe and got stuck:question:

Got 1 rug with fringe and it hasn’t found it yet. Don’t need the machine now, the dog wont come back in the house! He stays out side the dog door waiting for it to come by. Yesterday was my wifes birthday, she didn’t think much of it as a present!

How long you been married?

Keep me updated when it finds the fringe!

48 this Dec., she don’t appricate anything, one year I got a Vette another I got a Bertram, nother year a trip to Islamarada, and won’t go to Costa Rica with me!

Got my wife a dog one year. Dog didn’t like her, so he became my dog:wink: