I just signed up for the new Identity Theft Protection company the state is paying for. The website is CSID.com . It is free to South Carolina Tax payers. I was doing a social security # check and found that someone in Tennessee is using my Social Security #. CSID is currently investigating. Please take advantage of our states screw up and cover yourself.
Key West 1720 115 HP Johnson Saltwater.
I signed my wife and me up on Thurs. morning.
Bob Van Gundy
Marine Designs,Inc.
Custom Aluminum Fabrication
CSID told me to look at my credit report and see if their is anything that does’nt belong.
Key West 1720 115 HP Johnson Saltwater.
I stayed with ProtectMyID, $11.88 for a year.
Call the credit companies and have them ■■■■■■■■■■■ your credit (this is free). We did this last year after the govt screwup. When you know you are going to be buying something all you do is call them back and they will unlock it for 3 days (you better remember your passwords). We bought a new car a few weeks back and I told the finance person that my credit was locked but asked him to try and run an application thru for the hell of it. He came back a few minutes later and said everything was locked. We took the car home, called the credit companies and had them unlock it (took about 10 minutes), called him back and told him to try again. He called back and said everything was ok and approved. He even said that was a great idea, he was going to go home and lock his and his wife’s credit. Anyone lowlife trying to run your SSN will get stopped from the get go.
Originally posted by Area 51
Call the credit companies and have them ■■■■■■■■■■■ your credit (this is free). We did this last year after the govt screwup. When you know you are going to be buying something all you do is call them back and they will unlock it for 3 days (you better remember your passwords). We bought a new car a few weeks back and I told the finance person that my credit was locked but asked him to try and run an application thru for the hell of it. He came back a few minutes later and said everything was locked. We took the car home, called the credit companies and had them unlock it (took about 10 minutes), called him back and told him to try again. He called back and said everything was ok and approved. He even said that was a great idea, he was going to go home and lock his and his wife’s credit. Anyone lowlife trying to run your SSN will get stopped from the get go.
Thanks for the advice. I checked my credit report and didn't notice anything suspicious. I will probably do what you said. Thanks , again.
Key West 1720 115 HP Johnson Saltwater.