If every Mother cared this much

This is what kind of mother a lot of young kids need in todays world and our country might be a better place.


Needs to happen more often if you ask me. Kids need a good whoopin every once in a while. But you watch, the next news headline will be “Child Abuse”

2014 Wilderness Systems Ride 135

1995 Searay 175 Series

Originally posted by oops_lost

This is what kind of mother a lot of young kids need in todays world and our country might be a better place.


Yeah his a$$ was more afraid of his mother than the cops…Thats what my mom would’ve done.

He was lucky it wasn’t my Mom. The kid got off easy!

Bob Van Gundy
Marine Designs,Inc.
Custom Aluminum Fabrication

Really surprised Obama hasn’t had a press conference on the golf course condeming this woman for child abuse, after all, this could be his son… He even has a hoodie…

As gratifying as it is to see that Mother disciplining her son, she’s way to late.
That boy needed that discipline 10 years ago.

17’ Henry O Hornet
26’ Palmer Scott

problem now days is if you discipline your kids they put your a#s in jail for abuse:face_with_head_bandage::face_with_head_bandage::face_with_head_bandage:, don’t agree with it but it’s fact!!!


When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown

Originally posted by gail wins

problem now days is if you discipline your kids they put your a#s in jail for abuse:face_with_head_bandage::face_with_head_bandage::face_with_head_bandage:, don’t agree with it but it’s fact!!!


When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown

It depends on how you raised your kids at a young age. To Hell with anyone that says I can’t discipline my kids, and now my grand-kids. You do right at a young age and a loud strong disciplinary voice does as much as a chop to the backside. You can’t ignore kids and then expect them to respect you. Respect takes constant effort.

Fred , you and I are on the same page, my kids growing up, knew
““the look and the tone of voice””" , but as you can see in whats
happening in todays world it doesn’t seem to apply much any more.
It scares the hell out of me just thinking of where this country
is headed with all the political correctness , government intrusion
and total disrespect for any authority, not to mention any accountability for crimes committed!!!:angry:


When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown

Originally posted by gail wins

problem now days is if you discipline your kids they put your a#s in jail for abuse:face_with_head_bandage::face_with_head_bandage::face_with_head_bandage:, don’t agree with it but it’s fact!!!


When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown

Been there. Done that…and that was 20 years ago.

Slapped my son at school after mouthing off to me while I was there to pick him up as he, once again, just got suspended. Probably wasn’t a good idea to do it in front of the principle in her office, but at the time I was at my wits end and just lost it. I was in an orange jump suit in LCDC in no time.

Granted, it turned into a big scene and lots of yelling, but there was never more contact other than the original slap, which was less than that Baltimore mom did to her son.

Long story short, as much as I hated to, I wound up sucking it up and doing PTI and all was dropped off my record. It killed me to have to do that, feeling I didn’t do anything illegal, but I just didn’t have the resources to fight it. Still had to put up with a guardian ad litem showing up for about a year or so though.

The whole experience was surreal. To this day, knowing what happened to me, I cringe every time I hear a teacher complain about having to deal with children that are out of control because they don’t get any discipline at home.

Anyway, back then I thought it was hopeless. In my mind, it was just a matter of time before I’d be getting a call to identify his body at the morgue. But, that was long ago and life is good now. We still argue, but at least now it is about things like what spots to fish or what brand

Yep, do that in Walmart and your going to jail:frowning_face:. Do that in the middle of a riot and your a hero:smiley:.

I am so glad God saw to it i never had any kids…

SAFMC you suck!

Originally posted by striperskiff

Don’t give up and hopefully one day they will see the light.

No doubt! Never give up! Sorry you went through so much grief for trying your best as a parent. Never went to jail for hitting my son, and I never punished him with out him needing it. No regrets.

My wife and I have a large degree of difference about corporal punishment. I’m all for it and tell me so I have an opportunity to see if I need to whoop my kids some more for being wrong (if they were). My wife is the polar opposite. I hate it, but lover her non the less. Bottom line kids need discipline ( some more than others) and sadly modern parents seem to be scared to administer it.

I hate that the South is getting overrun with those that refuse to teach respect to youngsters with Yes Sir, No Mam, Yes please, Thank you very much Mam, etc sorry going on a tangent… Manners cost nothing and gain so much .

I was on the other end of that stick growing up a lot:imp: Slow learner I guess[:0]. I think I turned out just fine, just ask me:smiley:.

I hate that the South is getting overrun with those that refuse to teach respect to youngsters with Yes Sir, No Mam, Yes please, Thank you very much Mam, etc sorry going on a tangent...... Manners cost nothing and gain so much .

X2. When my Mom or Dad, or any adult asked you question, it was Yes Sir or No Mam. If you need something you ask Please. You get something you say Thank You. Anything less would get you an azz whupping. The neighbors were permitted to whup your azz too if needed, then Daddy would do it again when you got home. I still say yes sir and no mam. My was son was raised the same way.

I was in our local country store yesterday morning in Clyo, GA. Clyo is rural, mostly poor and probably 90% black. I’m like salt in a pepper shaker there, but dog and I go every morning.

I’m inside the store and there is a older black man in there with 3 small children, one boy about 8 years old with 2 younger sisters. The 3 kids and I met at the same drink cooler at the same time.

The young boy says to me, "Good morning sir, and how are you doing today? I say "very well thank you young man, and how are you today?

He says “I’m doing great sir and thank you very much for asking”!

I held the cooler door open for them to get what they wanted, reached a drink off the top shelf for one of the girls, and all 3 of them said “Thank you very much for helping us with the drinks and holding the door, sir”, even the 4 year old!

I told them it was my pleasure to help them.

I went to the older man, introduced myself and shook his hand. He was obviously Gullah. I told him he had raised some mighty fine children. He told me dat dey wuz his grands, hiz boy dun raised dos pinkneys an if dey didn’t raise dem wid good manners he would whup his azz but good. (for those who don’t know, pinkney is the Gullah and Creo

My wife teaches school. She has always required that the kids respond with Sir or Ma’am. A few years ago she had a new kid that would not say Ma’am (this was one of many problems she had with this kid) During a meeting with the mother (not from around here), she mentioned the Sir/Ma’am thing and the woman told her that she did not make her kids say that because it implied subservience, like my wife was the master. What in the heck do you say to that?

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”.

Originally posted by blackangus
Originally posted by oops_lost

This is what kind of mother a lot of young kids need in todays world and our country might be a better place.


Yeah his a$$ was more afraid of his mother than the cops…Thats what my mom would’ve done.

X2. Actually, my mother (or grandmother) woulda done it before I got out the house. No witnesses…

“I’m not a hundred percent in love with your tone right now…”