message from Roo:smiley:
did you really thinnk I would forget??
I dedicate this one to RussB…who always called me and said…tell Roo uncle russ is on the way!!! Operation Rescue Roo!

Have a Great fourth of July!!!
Henry…I will definately give the guys a big salute for you when i do in tonight for my 12hr shift! strange…i offered to sing the National Anthem for them this morning and they all said “NO!!”…in unison!!!
…I think its the first time they have all agreed on anything:smiley:
What a Blessing to be able to care for and give back a little to folks who have given so much for us!!
miss’n fish’n
Sea Squirt 16
Happy 4th Penny. I’m spending my 12hr shift down here in the good old VA ER !
Have a great day.Cleaning My garage and just throwing out tons of garbage.
I think that is the most patriotic dog in the word. He looks good as a blonde.
Cobia 256 Express
Pulled by a Dodge Ram 3500
Originally posted by 13skulls
Happy 4th Penny. I’m spending my 12hr shift down here in the good old VA ER !
you should go up and check out the new place for our guys…if you havent already! I go in to work at 1900 for 12 hrs. hope yalls day is a quiet one! 
miss’n fish’n
Sea Squirt 16
I swear Penny you always bring a smile to my face and make me laugh. THANKS!
“Apathy is the Glove in Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”.
Next year I do believe I’ll do what I can to make the CF oyster roast.
You will never know how much all the Vet’s that are mobile an
doing well in life THANK YOU, for the Great Job you do for out
No thanks needed. I seem to have what Donnie calls a weird sense of humor…think I got it from my daddy…and can’t help myself!
Just retired…no thanks needed for what I do either. It’s a honor. If anyone active or retired military would ever like to come by and meet a few of “my heroes” let me know. They love visits and ESP. Getting the opportunity to tell other folks how I pick on them everything I’m here! T hear them talk I’m worse than any mission they have been on ;). Gotta love them!
Thanks for putting up with me and my antics 
miss’n fish’n
Sea Squirt 16