In House generator advice

You don’t need a separate tank, you need one large enough to run the generator in a prolonged outage. Pick the generator and then call the gas company and ask them what tank they recommend to service the generator for a two week period unless you live in an area that will most likely see service restored within a week. Then have them bury the correct size tank. Worst case is you rarely fill the tank for normal service on the house. Best case is if/when we get a substantial hurricane, you have power and comfort for a few weeks and lots of friends/family visiting.

Southport 28TE
2X Yamaha F250
Yeah, but do you consider a dog to be a filthy animal? I wouldn’t go so far as to call a dog filthy but they’re definitely dirty. But, a dog’s got personality. Personality goes a long way.

“Life’s tough…It’s even tougher if you’re stupid” John Wayne

got you on tank, thanks!
ps - Love the Pulp fiction quote!

I’m not a Dr, those are my initials and I cant edit my user name. Please do not contact me regarding medical issues :slight_smile:

Originally posted by cam

Adding to Native_Son’s Backfeeding, not only will it possible endanger responding workers, but if power were to be restored, city power would backfeed into the generator, turning the once generator into a motor and damaging it and possibly things surrounding it. I’ve never seen it happen but heard it is catastrophic.

I am not an electrician but I did speak to two extensively about this before going this route. Like I said, you MUST cut off your main. That way you can’t send power out into the electrical lines and the lines can’t send power back into your house. But of course everyone should do their own research on this.

“You have the right to the pursuit of happiness. You do not have a guarantee that you shall have it.”

Since RBF drew me into this, I must retort.

Being a Doctor means you got plenty of money, so, price is no option. I’ve found most doctors are cheap like me.

If a hurt a cane comes and your house is gone…that high dollar generator won’t be much good. Same with a tornado.

Now you gots a potable generator, you can live in your car…like Malcom/Pod.

I like Native Sons propane powered tanks cause you can lock them to a tree and pick a big one so it holds.

Whatever you do, don’t buy some rinky dink Chi-knee generator like Bonzos.

The ENTER-NET Fisherman