
Just ran a new wire from the motor back to an inverter on my Pickup! I think I did a pretty neat job! Nice and clean!

Have you cranked the engine and heated up that exhaust pipe yet:question:

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

This has to be a troll…

However, if not… God Bless you man…


“Make America Sane Again.”

Pretty nice job, if I have to say so myself! :smiley:

Originally posted by Easy

Pretty nice job, if I have to say so myself! :smiley:

RBF knew what you were up to… Can’t fool him…

Here is the visual wiring schematic to your unsecured home email server in the event you need further help…:wink:


“Make America Sane Again.”

Good one RBF! Had something like that happen to me in the Army! We were working on a Air Force base ( Sembach ) GE! One night an AF guy told his night shift Pvt, to inventor all the patch panel cords on a BIG Patch panel! Well, this Pvt in the middle of the night started pulling cords out and laying them on the floor by length. He pulled every one out and had them all lined up! He was real proud of himself, until he found out he shut down all of the NATO Air Defense system in GE! He had no idea what the cords connected to! Only thing he knew was how many of each length he had! Took them 2 days to patch it back together and get the system up and working again! His boss got fired!:smiley:

LMAO ,Easy ya got one ell of a sense of humor:smiley::smiley::smiley::smiley:


When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown

I’m thinking as long as you never crank up the motor, no problem.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

Looks Great. Don’t know how
it going to be after you crank
it up.

Or putting it in drive since it zip tied to the drive shaft, it ain’t gonna last!

SeaPro 220CC

Dixie Craft-custom flats boat

Originally posted by Reel Wicked

Or putting it in drive since it zip tied to the drive shaft, it ain’t gonna last!

SeaPro 220CC

Dixie Craft-custom flats boat

Those are the new fangled zip ties that have bearings on the inside of them…


“Make America Sane Again.”

Or putting it in drive since it zip tied to the drive shaft, it ain't gonna last!

I didn’t catch that at first glance, but you’re right, the drive shaft will kill it long before the exhaust gets hot :smiley:

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Still laughing…:smiley:


When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown

Oh ye, of little faith! Always with the negative vibes!:wink::imp:

Looks like a toyota owner. That is pretty funny, I just hope it was a staged picture, but with some of the things I’ve seen lately maybe not!

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

Looks like some of that Ohio engineering

Ya know, it must be nice living in Neverneverland. Remind me to come visit you, when I need a break from reality.

Originally posted by Easy

Good one RBF! Had something like that happen to me in the Army! We were working on a Air Force base ( Sembach ) GE! One night an AF guy told his night shift Pvt, to inventor all the patch panel cords on a BIG Patch panel! Well, this Pvt in the middle of the night started pulling cords out and laying them on the floor by length. He pulled every one out and had them all lined up! He was real proud of himself, until he found out he shut down all of the NATO Air Defense system in GE! He had no idea what the cords connected to! Only thing he knew was how many of each length he had! Took them 2 days to patch it back together and get the system up and working again! His boss got fired!:smiley:

Funny thing about this is I am replacing outlets, switches, etc. to an older house ~1978. The original gauge wiring doesn’t fit the new construction outlets for the inserts, so they all have to be put on the screw posts. Of course, just getting the old outlets off is a beotch when the wires are inserted…

Long story short… RBF is a shade tree kinda guy… I generally make it up as I go… Normally comes out all right in the end…

So far so good, Remodeled a 1952 home so I have practical experience in messing things up and redoing them…

So, for the politically driven guys: When wiring AC… Black Wires Matter MOST…:smiley:


“Make America Sane Again.”

I once had a Pvt. tie a muffler on a jeep with a large hank of rope. He then proceeded to drive it on the autobahn like a bat out of hell! The German cops ran him down and doused the flames with an extinguisher.


Privates can be a trip:smiley: They will do anything you tell them to! Once had one as a jeep driver! We were in Germany in the winter and had a winterization cover on the front. I saw that the motor was running hot so we pulled over and I told him to give the motor some more air! He got out and popped the hood. 5 minutes later the hood was still up, so I got out to see what the problem was. He was standing there with the radiator cap in his hand looking at the motor! I asked him why in hell he took the cap off for? He said, (well you said to give the motor some air). He was a good kid, just green as grass:smiley: I couldn’t even get mad, cause I had never told him, just what he was supposed to do and how to do it:face_with_head_bandage: That one was on me:wink:

I’m shocked that you used wire made in Australia! Anyone who knows anything, knows that when it comes to electrical stuff, you go with what’s made in Japan! :smiley:

Actually, this is not the worst I’ve seen. I knew a guy who ran a rubber fuel line around the drive shaft. Fortunately, someone pointed it out to him before he drove the car & set fire to it. :wink: