Is this fiberglass quote expensive

I have never had gelcoat work done. 2 weeks ago we had a little mistake where the gelcoat got scratched off down to the fiberglass, about the size of a hotdog bun. I purchased the boat from Longshore so I got a quote from them. 3 hours labor at 140/hr and 150 for the paint/gelcoat, 570 total. I am sure it is laborious work, but 570 seems high. Plus there was 310 for the first 20 hour maintenance, and then another 100-200 for misc shop expenses. Total was about 1100 total. I also asked to have a MInn Kota Ulterra 80, batteries, wiring, charger, and also a blade power pole quoted so I could get them installed. I did’t get the quote for the trolling motor or power pole but I asked for the 1100 to get dropped down to 950 out the door, but they refused. You would think they could knock off 150 bucks with roughly 6000 bucks I was trying to spend. The 150 bucks is nothing but was just trying to see if they were willing to develop a long term relationship. Nope…

Break Out Another Thousand

May all your favorite bands stay together…

That glass quote is right on. It also depends on where the repair is being made. Is it the length of a hot dog bun? Or is it the size of a hotdog bun? If on the keel then no big deal. If on the side of the boat, then that’s a whole new ball game.

Tall Sail Marine

Ya, I get the 1000. I just want to make sure it is the correct thousand. As far as the damage, it is about 6-7" long by about 1.5" tall. It is on the port side of the boat, above the water line, stern. It was a bolt sticking out of the wall at remley’s point ramp that my wife got pushed into. It is my fault, that was the first time she ever pulled the boat off and I should have told her to get outside the enclosed area. It was very busy in there and very rough.

570 total. I am sure it is laborious work, but 570 seems high.

That sounds about right to me based on the damage description.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

OK, I will move forward with Longshore doing the work. Thanks for the input.

Find the best prices online. Call them and work a little off the bundle. Get the quote in writing.
Send the quote to a few places local.
See who will bend.
Purchase from them.
Install yourself or have items installed by your preferred shop.

Vendors on a popular boating forum can also be very competitive on prices.

In the end, I got my powerpoles from ChrisV and installed them myself.