ISO Labrador puppy

I put this in the swap shop as well.
In search of a black or chocolate lab puppy in late spring early summer. I am finding that breeders are taking deposits on litters before puppies are even born. I have been out of the loop a while.
Does not have to be a champion line. Preferably local to our area.


Dear Goob…Are you looking for a pet or a hunting retriever? Keep in mind that genetic deficiencies can seriously affect the health of any dog due to poor breeding standards. Labrador Retrievers are VERY popular, and a result there has been a general decline in the quality of the breed. Hip displaysia, cataracts, epilepsy, etc. can seriously deplete your wallet when veterinary diagnosis and treatment are in play. If you are looking for a pet, then you should consider the lower cost of a dog bred from two pedigreed dogs with on site observation of stud and ***** prior to purchase. An apple doesn’t fall far the tree. Those can be found locally, but “buyer beware!” If you want a true hunting retriever you are going to have to pay a fair price, and that price starts around $1000.00 for a quality puppy. You will need to identify a breeder, discuss the type of Labrador Retriever you want, and place a deposit on a future litter. You May Get Lucky with a lower cost choice, but consider that you are making a 12 year investment, and you generally get what you pay for.
I recognize that this instructional information doesn’t refer you to a specific purchase, but I’d like to think that the guidelines are helpful to you.

Sol Mate
Mako 20B
225 Optimax

Before the anecdotal stories about a $100 puppy bought from the friend of a friend that turned into the best dog ever start, don’t. The dog pound is full of the real consequences of those “roll the dice” dog purchase decisions. Due diligence, patience, and don’t compromise based on price. Buying a dog shouldn’t be the same as buying a lawnmower on sale at Sam’s Club. Goob…you don’t appear to be somebody like that. Train early, and often for the 1st 3 years, and you’ll have a wonderful companion for many years.

Sol Mate
Mako 20B
225 Optimax

Thanks for the input. This will be my sons first dog. I want something to make a companion for him. We will both work with the dog as far as training.

I used to hunt a lot and had both a black and chocolate lab so I know what is involved. I just didn’t realize how much a good breed of dog was going for now.

18’ Hewes Bayfisher

I’ve got a Nova Scotia retriever that I got as a rescue pup, and he’s the best and smartest dog I’ve ever had in 60 years of dog ownership. We’ve had some expensive labs and goldens in the past, good dogs all, but this throw back is a unicorn of dogs :smiley:

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Larry…A Nova Scotia Tolling Retriever is as rare as hen’s teeth in these parts. I dare say they are just plain rare as their breeding is tightly controlled, as it should be. Somebody must have had a truly unfortunate experience to place a Tolling Retriever in the dog pound. Either that, or they plain didn’t know what they had and seriously screwed up. You did mention “Rescue Dog”, so you may have gotten it in a more formal fashion than going “To the Pound”. Those dogs are not inexpensive. You could search every dog pound East of the Mississippi and not find another one in a year. I looked after a puppy for about a month after his owner died suddenly from a heart attack. His wife took the dog back, but it may have been put up for adoption, as she was not prepared to properly care for and train it. That puppy was air shipped from Canada after about 9 Mos. on a waiting list to get it. The breeder stipulated that the dog be returned should the owner choose not to keep it. Under the circumstances she may not have followed those instructions when she decided to give up the puppy. Maybe you got “Charlie”, although that was too long ago for the dog to be alive today. It sure hurt to here it got put in the dog pound. That was one smart dog, and I’d have kept him for sure if circumstances had allowed it.

Sol Mate
Mako 20B
225 Optimax

Dear Goob…I know your intentions are pure of heart, and based on love, BUT, a dog will only recognize one master. If your son is not yet mature enough to handle the DEMANDING responsibility of caring for, and training a quality dog, then I suggest that you let him observe you apply the proper approach and technique’s, and understand the reasoning behind them. Training starts on day 1. You are either training the dog or the dog is training you. There is no middle ground. Adequate training takes 3 years. The dog doesn’t develop physically, hormonally, or intellectually(brain development) for 2 years. Without proper input and discipline, the dog will become the Alpha in the relationship, and that’s when you’ve got issues. I can recommend reading resources that have been foundational in my training approach, and I’s confident they would help you a great deal. As a baseball coach for many years, I always preached that “Hard Work Always Pays Off”. It’s the same for dog training.

Sol Mate
Mako 20B
225 Optimax

Larry...A Nova Scotia Tolling Retriever is as rare as hen's teeth in these parts. I dare say they are just plain rare as their breeding is tightly controlled, as it should be. Somebody must have had a truly unfortunate experience to place a Tolling Retriever in the dog pound. Either that, or they plain didn't know what they had and seriously screwed up. You did mention "Rescue Dog", so you may have gotten it in a more formal fashion than going "To the Pound". Those dogs are not inexpensive. You could search every dog pound East of the Mississippi and not find another one in a year.

I know. I told you that I got a unicorn :smiley: I knew what he was and they didn’t have a clue. Rescue probably is not the correct term. My wife and I had been searching rescue facilities and pounds for months and I came across him from an add on craigslist. It was a military family being deployed from Ft. Stewart, said pup had to be gone today or it was going to the pound. They called it a golden, but the picture told me otherwise. I jumped straight in the truck and drove to Ft. Stewart and picked him up. I paid $50 for him, his bed, his leash and a bag of cheap food. Incredible dog! Wish I could find a female.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Originally posted by Goob

Thanks for the input. This will be my sons first dog. I want something to make a companion for him. We will both work with the dog as far as training.

I used to hunt a lot and had both a black and chocolate lab so I know what is involved. I just didn’t realize how much a good breed of dog was going for now.

18’ Hewes Bayfisher

Goob, bossdog put some good info out there… Just saying, if you are willing to go for another breed, an Australian Sheppard makes a great dog. Doesn’t have as long a “puppy” phase and if brought up around others will bond with more than one person. Also don’t overlook a German Shepard. Great family and kids dog if from good parents.

I hear ya on the price of a “good” breed! I’ve given away many a puppy and hold myself against ever charging for one as I feel dogs should not be sold to the highest bidder… but given to a good family. UNLESS… you are dealing with a working dog.

The one bit of advise I’ll give on going to a pound… Unless you know why the dog was brought in, don’t fall for puppy sad eyes. Mean but true, you never know, dog could be inbred or the best in the world. But to me it’s not worth the risk. sad but true.

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

Thanks guys. Sent BD a pm.
I have been in contact with several people over the last few weeks learning about them and their dogs.

18’ Hewes Bayfisher

I believe Rolling Road Retrievers has some buns in the oven. PM me and I will give you his contact info.

“Kleenex, The Official Sponsor of Fishb8”

We got a toller from a breeder in the upstate who in turn has been blacklisted. Our dog was 11months when we got him from. Dog was skiddish for a long time & is very loyal to my wife. He’s smart as a whip but we don’t use him to hunt. Wish we did.

21 Contender

Pvpr sent you a message.

18’ Hewes Bayfisher