iss ants

Is it my imagination or are the #iss ants worse this year than ever before??? Seems like every where i look they’re nesting… not fire ants these are a little smaller and seem to prefer damper mulch covered areas…any suggestions on the best insecticide treatment???

George McDonald ; MAD Charleston

When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown

I heard last year that we were getting “infested” by some new species of small black ants. the dude was half drunk so i didnt pay it much attention. This was in lake murray and he said they were up lake near the river but were making their way down the lake. Well this year, every island i go to, is over ran with those little piss ants. they dont bite, but they get into EVERYTHING. the little effers even got into my yeti, even with the lid latched.

If I’m posting, its because I’m sitting here at work, dreaming about fishing.

Any product with the active ingredient of Fipronil will do a great job on ants.

Bayrider;Mechanic;; thanks for the info</font id=“red”>, these pesky azzes are everywhere, noticed my H-bird feeder getting low on sugar water and when i went to refill it had a crawling rope of them going up the hanger wire , across the porch beam , down the post to foundation , along base of foundation to walkway into yard and mulch around wifes flowers , total distance approx 35-40ft !!!Sprayed them with AMDRO ant killer which did the job as a direct contact spray. I want to apply a wide 20-30ft band completely around house…
Bayrider; do you know the " trade,product name of Fipronil" and if it is a contact or a residual pesticide , and where to purchase???

George McDonald ; MAD Charleston

When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown

I use Termidor & just go around the foundation perimeter up 1’ & out 1’ but link above will show you other products to buy. The label allows 2 sprays per year but I find ones enough. Fipronil is in a lot of pet flea collars too. IMO best option for ants, termites & fleas/ticks.

Man, you are not kidding, we’ve had them in and around our house a lot this summer. Someone said because we’ve had so much rain. I’ll have to check out this stuff cuz they’re driving us nuts.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

hope your yetti made it out ok mechanic. if not, you could set up a gofundme page. all the cool kids are doing it.

They tried to run off with the yeti, but i caught them before they made it off the island.

maybe i can set a gofundme for a new 4stroke. my OceanRunner 150 is starting to show wear.

If I’m posting, its because I’m sitting here at work, dreaming about fishing.

Man, sure wish I could train them to do small jobs, they sure are hard workers!

Whenever I park under a big oak, I get em runnin all over my truck. Inside and out. Real little ones.