When we left the landing at 7am. Slipped into the Wando again and besides the nonstop face scraping wind, it was a great time. Fished the last 2 incoming and first 2 outgoing and put around 15 in the boat under slip bobbers 5ft -7ft deep along some structure next to deep water. Got another orange tagged fish but it was oddly destroyed and I can barely tell the number… anyway, water was 47-48 through the day.
I wish I could get them skrimps like stump
I was at BP Friday on the outgoing
Soaking some frozen shad
Couldn’t even get a catfish to fry
Good work buddy
I’m putting all my money on DJ127946, even though it looks like it’s been raked across the oysters quite a few times. I’m working those 3 orange ones out of the system right now, please stand by sir.
Here’s a cool tidbit: one of the tagged fish you caught last November was in the exact same set as this fish in December of 2023 when we caught them in a school of 52 others… and they haven’t gone far from there since, which is pretty typical for juvenile Wando fish!
Thanks for the care package! That was an awesome added touch, it’s appreciated. Do all the reports looks this way now or do the regular yellow ones still tell you the angler who tagged it and other times it was caught? It’s always cool my wife catches my neighbor’s fish lol