It's a privilege

Well somehow or another I’ve been blessed and made it to 60.
My mind is nowhere near as sharp as it used to be, eyes are no longer 20/20. Hearing is fading. Daily aches and pains little arthritis start to show up here and there. But all in all the old tattered body still hanging in there… still give them boys 20/30 years younger than me or run for their money
I have a wonderful wife, daughter and grandchildren.
Good and bad I wouldn’t chang much of anything.
Hopefully the good Lord will bless me with another 15 or 20 years.

Happy Birthday Craig!!

Here’s to 15 or 20 more!


Remember when I was 18 and you were 10 wishing you were as old as me?

Well, Happy Birthday my friend you still ain’t caught me


Happy Birthday, hit mine a couple of weeks ago. A few more aches/pains and not quite as sharp as I used to be but, I feel pretty good and act even younger (my wife would say immature). I think a lot has to do with mindset. I can still put a good days work when I want to.

Honestly, there were days when I never thought I’d see 40. Hope I am good for another 25 or so.

I just hope we are all blessed with dignity in our old age. I don’t every want to be a burden on my family or anyone else. When it inevitably happens, I just want to wake up dead.

happy birthday!!!
Luckily I’m still young and vibrant! LOL

YES, happy birthday.

WELLLLL, I am now the big 80, and looking forward to 20 more, if the Lord tarries.

You guys are all ““spring chickens”” , stop talking about death for real???

Also, please stop thinking of age, just a number.

Listen to a well seasoned, experienced dad, fisherman, grandfather, businessman, friend, etc.

Now you understand why my posts are so ‘matter of fact’ and boring, huh…