It's the oppinion of the U.N.

Well, if the U.N. thinks we should, then…

One Simple Thanks!!

Free ice cream forever!!!

What about the people that sold them as slaves in the first place?

Down here is where a signature goes but they can confuse and anger some people so I don’t have one.

Someone may want to let the Frenchman from the UN know that France had slaves as well.

Everybody is going to owe everybody. Aussies to Aborigine, Africa has a lot of folks they owe. China enslaved their own. Hell Russia and North Korea still have slaves. And S. Korea, Indonesia, Thailand, etc. have human trafficking. How about focus on the CURRENT problems.

If someone can prove that they had slave ancestry, and my family owned them, I will gladly pay them for their lost wages out of any of the money that ancestor left me. I wonder if the Ravenels and Porchers of the world would do the same.

1979 17’ Montauk
90 Johnson

Wilderness Ride 115

Aren’t we already paying that? Isn’t that what government housing, welfare, food stamps, and a majority of the unemployment & disability being paid out in this country for? Because I know it is not there to help my 75 year old mother who has worked all her life & can’t get help if she begged for it & who got turned away from CMC Main Hospital in Charlotte because they wouldn’t take her because of the potential rioters that “may” have to come in.
By the way what happened to the two “… Patriots…” threads. Did they get deleted?