Next MSC tournament is January 16, 2016
Lines in 7:00 a.m.
Lines out 3:00 p.m.
Weigh in 3:30 p.m. at Acapulco.
Creel is 2 fish per boat.
By fishing in a tournament sponsored by MSC each participant, whether member or guest,recognizes that MSC is not responsible for any participants safety. MSC has no control over the weather or it’s effects,the acts of other boaters, the conditions or hazards of the lake, or any other unsafe conditions that may arise while fishing. Each participant of MSC tournaments understands the potential safety problems which may arise while fishing and voluntarily consents to participate knowing the risks involved.
Remember tournament directors must know Friday night anyone fishing who has not prepaid for the tournament. Text Danny at 803-493-1482 or Liz at 803-730-6959.</font id=“Arial”>