
46 years, married to the same woman, today! 46 years ago, I never gave a thought about being alive this long, let alone being married to the same woman! I guess I wear well and she puts up with a lot! :wink:

Congrats Easy !!:smiley::smiley:I think ones like us are becoming extinct ,come this June it’ll be 47 for me. Too easy to just get the milk without committing = single parent kids and more ice-cream eaters…

George McDonald ; MAD Charleston

When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown

congrats Easy, that’s quite the accomplishment, you should be proud of it…

The Morris Island Lighthouse

I miss counted gail! I saved that girl from a misspent life, on Jan 3 1970! So I guess it is 47 years! I was home on Christmas leave from Ft. Gordon, when we got married! I had to call the 1st Sgt and tell him I wasn’t going to be back on time! When I told him why, he gave me 3 extra days and didn’t charge me for them! He knew I was going to go AWOL, if he didn’t:wink: He was one of the good guys:smiley:

Thanks gail and Bonz! She is the one, that deserves the kudos:wink:

Now, I know 2 women that have ULTIMATE PATIENCE!!!

Congrats gentlemen. You must be doing something right.

skinneej, on my part, it’s just that I’ve managed to live through the stuff I’ve been involved in! You getting older and can’t do that stuff any longer, makes it easier!:imp:

Congrats easy!! Coming up on 28 years of marriage after 7 years of dating. Not sure why she puts up with me. Seems like most of us guys here on CF out kicked our coverage.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

Congrats Easy! Coming up on 34 myself.

16’ Bonito 65 Johnson

Cannot even imagine what all that woman’s been thru. And seen

Congratulations buddy

Pod, it’s the seeing that has kept her around:smiley:

Does your wife having a seeing eye dog? LOL just messing with ya, congratulations and may you have many more!

“I’ve overcome the blow, I’ve learned to take it well I only wish my words could just convince myself, that it just wasn’t real, but that’s not the way it feels.” - Croce

Originally posted by PeaPod

Cannot even imagine what all that woman’s been thru. And seen

Congratulations buddy

I think its called Stockholm Syndrome!!!